Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Artifact Guide

Last Update: December 24, 2020 6:51 PM /


Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Artifact

This, quite frankly, has been a journey. We have trekked over hill and dale, to all corners of England in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, searching for artifacts. Roman Artifacts, Curses to break, Treasure Hoard Maps and Flying Papers. And now, at long last, here we are. Hamtunscire - the very last region. The end of our quest! Thank you for sticking with us, dear readers. And now, one last time, let's get some artifacts!

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Artifact 1

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Artifact

First off, we head to the lake in the middle of the Isle of Wiht, or Isle of Wight for those of you who can spell properly. This is the only artifact on the island, and, keeping in line with the modern-day island's ghostly namesake, is a Cursebreak. Luckily, it's not too tricky. There's a network of ropes surrounding the tree that holds the cursed talisman, and all you need to do is climb up a pole to get to them and criss-cross across the ropes till you get to an appropriate vantage point. Aim and fire! One artifact down.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Artifact 2

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Artifact

South of the Callera Outpost, you'll find some very beautiful Roman ruins. Fortunately, they're not just pretty - you'll also find a Cosmetic Scheme amongst them! These show up on the map in-game as Flying Papers and once you find one, it leads you on an obstacle course until stopping at the end for you to catch it. In this case, the course is through these old ruins. If you don't catch the Flying Paper at the end of the chase, it will reset back to the starting point for you to try again.

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Artifact

Now we head to the northern area of the Callera Outpost where we find yet more Roman ruins. This time, there's a Roman Artifact right for the taking! On the second floor of the ruins containing the artifact you'll need to drop the debris hanging from the ceiling to break the floor so you can drop down and snag the artifact. But, on both the first and second floors, watch out! There are several vipers around that should be taken care of before going any further. Hey, it's free leather!

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Artifact

For artifact number four, we head over to the Fearnhamme Ruins on the map. Shockingly, these ruins don't contain a Roman Artifact but instead have the Treasure Hoard Map for the region. Unfortunately, there are several guards in the area, and it's recommended that you kill them before taking care of business although it is possible to get the map without alerting them, it's just very difficult. Drop the chandelier hanging from the ceiling to break the floor in the ruins and grab the Hamtunscire Hoard Map so you can finally complete your collection! There's also an Ingot waiting in the immediate area, so you can check a Wealth box off your list at the same time.

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Artifact

Now we journey over to Aethelnay, which is a very small village, really just a cluster of houses out in the middle of a rather unpleasant looking bog. Thankfully we don't decide to build a second Raven outpost here, we're only here for the Cosmetic Scheme/Flying Paper. The chase for this starts on top of one of the houses. Good luck!

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Artifact

Southwest of Runewuda Abbey, one of the region's Raid locations, you'll find a new Roman Artifact. This one happens to be minding its own business, sitting on a bench, right next to two very hostile enemies. You could, of course, burst in like a Viking and smack the snot out of them until they're dead. That's an option. Or, you could climb up to the top of the ruins behind the bench and stealth attack/assassinate them before they even know you're there, taking your artifact and then moseying on your way. Your choice.

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Artifact

Northeast of Wishtman's Wood you'll find, again, a small clump of Roman ruins. This Roman Artifact, in particular, is hidden underground, so break the covering on the well in the ruins and don't drop down just yet. Beneath the well is a breakable wall, but, alas, there are no flammable jars to be found in the area. So what's a Viking to do? Light your torch and drop it down the well. Wait till you hear the explosion and then check to make sure everything isn't on fire anymore before dropping down and grabbing the artifact.

And with this, you have all the Roman Artifacts in the game! Head on back to Ravensthorpe and find Octavian in the Museum. Give him the last of the artifacts and he'll explain that you have completed his collection - finally! You'll get the Archaeologist achievement/trophy and he'll give you a light shield, named the Gorgon Shield, as a thank you for your troubles. Congratulations!

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hamtunscire Artifact

One more to go! And of course, this last artifact is a Cursebreak. Northwest of Readingum Abbey is what appears to be some sort of ritual site. Now, before you go charging in there, axes drawn, please note that there are, in fact, 3 lynxes in the area. Three very murderous lynxes who apparently don't care much for the corpses of weird ritual cultists that are lying around and rotting. So, they'll come after you, and there's really no good way to avoid them. After you get the lynxes taken care of and out of the way, then go and move the giant stone that is in front of the cursed talisman. Take aim, shoot, and you're done! England is free of Troll magic!

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| Former Staff Writer

Courtney Ehrenholfer is an aspiring novelist and screenwriter, and current journalist who greatly enjoys video games, especially those of the point and… More about Courtney

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Learn More About Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Ubisoft Montreal
Release Date
November 17, 2020 (Calendar)
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