After a Very Long Time, Wattam Finally Gets a Release Date

Published: November 11, 2019 6:51 PM /



I'm not actually sure "wattam" is a word. However, it is a video game. Wattam was originally announced back in 2014 and has been seemingly in development for quite some time. Finally, the game has a planned launched date, with PlayStation 4 and PC gamers able to grab it on December 17th, 2019.

The game puts you in the role of a man who just wants to make friends. Going through the four seasons, you'll be making friends with as many different characters as possible. The catch? Every single thing in the world of Wattam has the potential to be your friend. Trees? Yep. Rocks? Why not. The game is just weird, with you seemingly spending more time seeing the crazy combinations of characters you can make and what they can do to each other. Your goal is to ultimately "kaboom" with characters, which means taking your hat off and giving them a present that promptly explodes, launching everyone into the air. The whole game can also be played co-op, meaning a friend can get in on the weird kabooming fun.

None of this should be a surprise to those that know that Keita Takahashi is behind the game. Also responsible for bringing both Katamari Damacy and Noby Noby Boy into the world, the guy really loves weird games about connecting characters. Sometimes literally and inescapably. Still, for those looking for a wholesome and likely very weird experience with a bizarre soundtrack, Wattam should be on their watchlist. Maybe they'll even consider "kaboom"ing with the game? I'm sure it'd appreciate it if you did.

Wattam will be available on PC and PlayStation 4 on December 17th, 2019.

How do you feel about Wattam? Can you describe the game in as few words as possible? What's under your hat? Let us know in the comments below!

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Samuel Guglielmo TechRaptor
| Reviews Editor

I'm Sam. I have been playing video games since my parents brought home a PlayStation whenever that came out. Started writing for TechRaptor for 2016 and,… More about Samuel

More Info About This Game
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Game Page Wattam
PC, PlayStation 4
Release Date
December 17, 2019 (Calendar)
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