American Truck Simulator Lets You Drive in Utah, If That's What You Want to Do

Published: November 4, 2019 6:50 PM /


American Truck Simulator Utah

If you're one of the people who enjoy driving trucks in American Truck Simulator, then put on your best trucking hat and get ready as on November 7th you'll get a chance to drive around the great state of Utah. Or at least the okay state. It only ever really seemed okay at best to me.

Being offered as a paid DLC expansion, you'll be able to drive about in the new map, which offers 3.500 miles of roads for you to explore. Several famous locations and cities have been remade and put into the game. You can check out the Great Salt Lake and Salt Lake City if that's what you're interested in, for example. Additionally, 12 "well-known" truck stops have been recreated, so you can stop at a place you may have actually stopped at in real life. Several of the in-game places you'll be making deliveries for, such as the oil industry and the agricultural industry, have had their processes expanded, giving you even more to do when you truck your way across America.

The Utah expansion for the game will also see the game receive a graphical improvement. According to the press release, developer SCS Software has redone how they create rock formations and the assets they use off the roads. They promise that this is the "best-to-date representation of real references" that any of their games have seen so far.

American Truck Simulator is currently available on PC. The Utah DLC expansion will be launching on November 7th for the price of $11.99.

Do you enjoy simulating American trucks? Like, is this something people do? I really don't get it, I keep watching gameplay clips expecting to get it but I never do. Is this a Strand game? Can one of you explain this to me in the comments below?

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Samuel Guglielmo TechRaptor
| Reviews Editor

I'm Sam. I have been playing video games since my parents brought home a PlayStation whenever that came out. Started writing for TechRaptor for 2016 and,… More about Samuel

More Info About This Game
Learn More About American Truck Simulator
SCS Software
SCS Software
Release Date
February 2, 2016 (Calendar)
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