Battlefield 2042 Subreddit Might Be Locked Due to Severe Toxicity

The mods on the #Battlefield2042 subreddit are considering locking it down for some time due to the intense levels of toxicity from users.

Published: January 7, 2022 10:27 AM /


Promo art for Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 may not be the best entry in the series, but it has certainly become one of the more controversial ones to fans. Over on the game's subreddit, the mods are considering putting it on a temporary lockdown as fan vitriol reaches critical levels.

While fan anger over Battlefield 2042 has been stewing for a while since its release due to bugs and displeasure with changes to the series, the newest round of rage started with some now-deleted tweets from EA global comms director Andy McNamara, in which he told fans that the Battlefield team was just now getting back to work after a holiday break. While some fans were understanding, many responses mocked McNamara or claimed DICE released a broken game, with some on the subreddit adding their own voices to the dogpile. McNamara wound up deleting the tweets and sent out an apology tweet saying that "my message wasn't clear," which has also been hit with (since-deleted) vitriol.

Another piece of promotional art for Battlefield 2042

In response, the mod team on the Battlefield 2042 subreddit has sent out an ultimatum to the community. They point out that it's an understatement to say the subreddit has grown "incredibly toxic" and that "it's near impossible to have a simple discussion without insults being flung around at each other." To deal with this, the mods laid out some possible options. Either toxicity goes down, toxicity stays where it's at and the mods will have to lock threads early on a majority of posts, or toxicity increases and the mods lockdown the entire subreddit for "a period of time." The mods admit that the last two options "seem nuclear, and we don't want to use them," but they're willing to do "whatever it takes" to drive down the toxicity.

Battlefield 2042 isn't the only major game that's had issues with toxicity on its subreddit. Last month, the Halo subreddit was closed for a weekend after an intense bout of toxicity which included some doxxing and death threats.

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A picture of me, Brian Renadette
| Former Staff Writer

I am a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University with a major in writing and a minor in gaming. I have a passion for video games and writing. I also… More about Brian

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Electronic Arts
Release Date
November 19, 2021 (Calendar)
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