Battlefield 2042 Update 3 Has Hundreds of Fixes and Changes, Arriving Tomorrow

The full Battlefield 2042 Update 3 patch notes have been revealed, detailing hundreds of fixes for the game. Best of all, you won't have to wait too long to enjoy it -- this update arrives tomorrow.

Published: December 1, 2021 1:35 PM /


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The full Battlefield 2042 Update 3 patch notes have been revealed, detailing hundreds of fixes for the game. Best of all, you won't have to wait too long to enjoy it -- this update arrives tomorrow.

EA Dice has been hard at work making Battlefield 2042 better. Aside from some smaller changes such as a buff to attackers on Breakthrough and improvements to stuttering and rubberbanding issues, the devs have also laid out plans for more substantial updates. Now, we finally know what to expect for Battlefield 2042 Update 3.

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What's Coming in Battlefield 2042 Update 3?

It's difficult to single out any one thing in the Battlefield 2042 Update 3 patch notes -- pretty much everything in the game is getting some kind of fix, change, or overhaul.

Let's start with the UI -- clutter should be reduced a fair amount thanks to a new scaling feature; hopefully, this will bring an end to the issue of not being able to see enemies due to a bunch of icons on your screen. UI changes are also coming to the Collections section that should make it easier to understand how your weapon attachments work.

More than 150 total changes are coming to all of the game's maps that should make them better experiences overall; unfortunately, these individual changes were not spelled out in detail save for a few examples (such as the resolution of a lighting issue in the server room on Kaleidoscope).

Progression is getting a bit of a buff, too. This is most notable with the addition of weekly missions that will provide players with set challenges and reward them with cosmetic unlocks. Additionally, XP and rank tracking should be more reliable overall.

Hazard Zone will now award players with a 1st match bonus of 1,000 Dark Market Credits; unfortunately, it's unclear if this bonus only applies to the first-ever match or will apply to the first match of the day. Either way, it should be easier to earn Dark Market Credits with the addition of more Data Drives in the initial wave of Data Capsules.

Battlefield Portal players are getting some new toys in Battlefield 2042 Update 3. Rush game mode layouts have been added for all Battlefield 2042 All-Out Warfare maps through the Portal. Furthermore, new official Vehicle Team Deathmatch, Team & FFA Gun Master, and Infection templates have been added alongside some new rules that should allow the creative types out there to cook up some more interesting custom experiences.

These are just some of the highlights coming in the next Battlefield update -- there truly are a substantial number of changes and fixes on the way. You can read about all of the new goodies in the full Battlefield 2042 Update 3 patch notes.

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When is the Battlefield 2042 Update 3 Release Date?

The Battlefield 2042 Update 3 release date is December 2, 2021 -- that's tomorrow! If EA Dice keeps to its usual update time, this new version of the game should launch sometime around 3:00 AM Eastern Time. This won't be the only update, either; EA Dice says that another small update will be coming in early December 2021.

There's still a lot of work to do on this game, but Battlefield 2042 Update 3 should fix some of the most severe problems while also adding some improvements and quality of life features. You can join in on the (occasionally scuffed) fun by buying Battlefield 2042 for PC and consoles starting at $59.99 or your regional equivalent via its official website.

What do you think of the fixes and changes detailed in Battlefield 2042 Update 3? What fixes do you think the game needs the most? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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