Competitive Multiplayer is Coming to Daemon X Machina Post-Launch

This story from E3 2019 covers the mech game Daemon X Machina getting multiplayer post-launch.

Published: June 13, 2019 9:40 PM /


A mech fighting a boss in Daemon X Machina

High-flying, mech combat game Daemon X Machina already has post-launch content planned.

Director Kenichiro Tsukuda of Marvelous! confirmed on Nintendo Treehouse that Daemon X Machina will have a competitive multiplayer mode added to the game after it launches on September 13th.

This is in addition to the game's already-announced features, such as the four player co-op mode complete with its own co-op missions, along with the game's primary story mode.

A mech taking on a giant robotic enemy in Daemon X Machina

Daemon X Machina got an extensive deep dive on Nintendo Treehouse during E3 after a new trailer featured the game in the E3 2019 Nintendo Direct.

The Treehouse demo showcased two brand new missions, along with the Arsenal garage and some of the customization options players can utilize.

Some of the features shown also include the use of custom-created characters in the main hub world, before equipping and gearing up their own Arsenal. One big change was the addition of optional motion controls, a feature sorely lacking in the games previous demo.

No specific timetable for when the competitive multiplayer is coming was given and Tsukuda also hinted that other updates and additions to Daemon X Machina are also planned for the future as well.

Daemon X Machina will have players fly giant mechs called Arsenals to combat against a horde of A.I controlled robots threatening to destroy the world. 

The player can customize their Arsenals abilities and appearances with a multitude of weapons and gear, and can even swap out pieces of the fly from downed enemy Arsenals as they see fit to change their own tactics against the machines, allowing some flexibility for player builds and adaptability to take down tougher enemy bosses.

Daemon X Machina will be released on September 13th, 2019 as a Nintendo Switch exclusive.

What are your thoughts on Daemon X Machina? Do you want to try out their co-op gameplay, or would you rather wait for competitive multiplayer? Leave your comments below. 

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A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert