Coronavirus Delays Outer Worlds Switch Port

Published: February 7, 2020 9:30 AM /


The main promotional art for The Outer Worlds

The coronavirus outbreak currently ravaging mainland China has been having adverse effects on the video game market. Nintendo has reported production and shipment delays on the Nintendo Switch and related peripherals in Japan, as well as a delay on the Animal Crossing themed Switch. Not to mention various gaming events in the area having to delay, cancel or move. However, the coronavirus is also affecting the release dates for video games. Take-Two Interactive announced in their third quarter earnings report that the Switch port of The Outer Worlds would be delayed from its March 6 release date. Take-Two Interactive subsidiary Private Division, the publishers of The Outer Worlds, clarified in a tweet why the game was being delayed: 

Virtuous Games, the team behind the Switch port of The Outer Worlds, is a studio founded in Shanhai in 2004. They've worked with a variety of companies on games such as Batman: Return to Arkham, LA Noire, and Dark Souls Remastered. CEO Gilles Langouriex posted a statement on Linkedin on January 30 providing updates on their business during the coronavirus. Business-wise, the biggest takeaways are that the studios won't reopen until February 10 and clients should expect " least a week's delay in deliveries." Langouriex reported that all staff are healthy and haven't reported any signs of infection.

However, there is a silver lining to this announcement. Private Division mentioned in their tweet that the Switch port for The Outer Worlds will now have an actual physical edition with a cartridge. Originally, if you were to buy the physical edition, the case for the game would only have a voucher for downloading the digital edition. There's no official word on when the Switch port will be out, but Take-Two said in their earnings report that it would be sometime after April?

What do you think about this news? Are you planning to get The Outer Worlds for the Switch? Let us know in the comments below!

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A picture of me, Brian Renadette
| Former Staff Writer

I am a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University with a major in writing and a minor in gaming. I have a passion for video games and writing. I also… More about Brian

More Info About This Game
Learn More About The Outer Worlds
Game Page The Outer Worlds
Private Division
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
October 25, 2019 (Calendar)
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