Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course Delayed to 2020 To Avoid Crunching

Published: July 2, 2019 5:51 PM /


cuphead the last chalice dlc

Earlier today, Studio MDHR announced that the first DLC for Cuphead, titled Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course, will be delayed until 2020.

In a press release, studio MDHR Co-Director Chad Moldenhauer wrote,

While we initially announced a 2019 release date for the ‘Delicious Last Course’ expansion, our highest priority is making sure this new adventure meets the meticulous level of care and quality we always strive for. We want to be absolutely certain that this next adventure feels at home in the world of ‘Cuphead’ and is full of moments that surprise and delight players. Furthermore, the development of the original game taught us a great deal about the importance of making things in a way that’s healthy and sustainable for our team.

With that in mind, we're taking a page out of Chef Saltbaker's book, and spending the necessary time to get the recipe just right – this means that we'll be moving the release of ‘The Delicious Last Course’ to 2020. This wasn't an easy decision to make, but we're confident it's one that will result in a higher quality experience that's all the sweeter when it does arrive.”

To help whet Cuphead players' appetites, Studio MDHR also released a new teaser trailer for the Delicious Last Course today to go along with the delay announcement.

Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course was originally announced at E3 2018 and promises to add an entirely new island to the game, including new weapons, charms, and delectable boss fights. The DLC will also add a new playable character in the form of Ms. Chalice, who boasts a different move set from Cuphead and Mugman. Though disappointing, the delay may not come as a surprise to those who eagerly anticipated Cuphead's release. The original game was also delayed from a 2016 launch to 2017, and The Delicious Last Course was conspicuously absent from this year's E3. For now, players will have to find something else to chew on until 2020. If you're on PC, you may consider some of our recommendations on hidden gems in the Steam Summer Sale.

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| Staff Writer

Jack Waibel is a writer, dungeon master, and lifelong gamer, with words appearing in EGM and TechRaptor. He’s tapped more land cards than modern science can… More about Jack

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Cuphead
Game Page Cuphead
Studio MDHR
Studio MDHR
Xbox One, PC
Release Date
September 29, 2017 (Calendar)
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