Dead or Alive 6 Punches In February Release Date

Published: September 11, 2018 4:06 PM /


dead or alive 6 announcement kasumi fighting

Koei Tecmo announced that the next installment in their 3D fighting series Dead or Alive 6 will release worldwide on February 15th, 2019. Koei Tecmo also revealed some of the digital pre-order bonuses for Dead or Alive 6: Playstation 4 owners can snag a new theme as well as the female tengu "Ryotengu" for preordering; Xbox One owners will also get Ryotengu as well as a bonus costume for Ryu Hayabusa. By purchasing DoA6 before March 14th on either platform you can also get a costume for Kasumi as well. Whatever your choice of platform, you can get your hands on Dead or Alive 6 on February 15th.

Picking up where Dead or Alive 5 left off, Dead or Alive 6 continues the split narrative of earlier games. With multiple storylines converging around the "Dead or Alive" fighting tournament, its set against a backdrop of Kasumi, still on the run, and DOATEC corporation, as they encounter fighters with special powers. Announced ahead of E3 earlier this year, Dead or Alive 6 is set to make many changes to the Dead or Alive formula. Gone are the days of extreme jiggle physics and over-the-top sexuality. Instead, as we reported on earlier this year, Koei Tecmo is looking to approach Dead or Alive with a more realistic mindset. Characters will take on physical injuries, stage hazards are now more appropriate for the battle arenas, and Koei Tecmo is adding in a "super meter" too.

The initial reveal, comments by the development team and subsequent news have all polarized the community. Dead or Alive has never been known to shy away from controversy, even as some of the spinoff games never quite made it to the West. Some see the focus on fighting and action a welcome change for the series. Still, others are drawn in by the sexuality at the forefront, as Dead or Alive provides a more risque fighting experience. We'll know if Koei Tecmo's changes pay off when Dead or Alive 6 releases next February.

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Kyle Johnson
| Japanese Gaming Specialist

Professional painter. Semi-professional weeb. I've played hundreds of games, but finished very few. I speak Chinese and Minnesotan.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Dead or Alive 6
Game Page Dead or Alive 6
Team Ninja
Koei Tecmo
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
February 15, 2019 (Calendar)
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