The Division Datamine Reveals Ton of New Information Hidden In The Game's Files

Published: March 7, 2016 10:17 AM /


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With Tom Clancy's The Division launching tomorrow we will finally be able to take to the streets of Manhattan in a desperate attempt to restore order to a city ravaged by a disease outbreak. This is a story of  one Redditor's 21-hour quest to find all there is to know in the preloaded files, hidden audio files, and on-disc DLC. Before we jump into this please remember that none of this is officially verified and oftentimes unused data is kept in the files after planned features are cancelled so take this with a grain of salt! Also spoilers.

While not all the data found is particularly interesting, I will do my best to pick the most important stuff and show it to you, as well as provide relevant links for anyone who wants to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Redditor and YouTuber itsgamerdoc posted a thread on Reddit detailing his findings. Let's take a look.

  • First off: missions. There are going to be upwards of 30 of them and since level 30 is the max level in the base game, it stands to reason that each mission will get you one level. These levels span the entirety of Manhattan and send you to places like Madison Square Garden (as seen in the beta), Park Avenue and Grand Central Station.
  • A ton of weapons have been found in the game's data. Among these are the M87 Sniper Rifle, the Remington 700 sniper rifle, AK-47 Burst Rifle and a few unique (endgame) guns that are available in the game. For a full list of all the weapons that have been found, you can check this neat little spreadsheet listing all 138 weapons here.
  • The game's script is apparently in the files. Spoilers, obviously!
  • Some data points towards there being a mission (or missions) in Brooklyn, which was a location shown in pre-alpha footage of the game but wasn't included in the beta.
  • There are mentions of a DLC mission called 'Kill The Tank' which could mean that content for future DLC is already fully or partially on the disc.
  • There are also mentions of drone-centric DLC. This is quite possibly a remnant of when Ubisoft was planning on including drones operated by players via tablet in the game. This content was cut at some point during development.
  • Vehicles like water planes are mentioned, as is a helicopter with miniguns attached to it.
  • For you PlayStation 4 owners: here's the complete trophy list!
  • There is mention of a suicide dog in the files, but the 'DO NOT USE' prefix should be enough of an indication that it won't be in the game.
  • There's an animation within the game files for putting down claymores, but the actual claymores aren't in the game currently.
  • Safehouses can be used for more than gearing up. It seems like safehouses can also be used for matchmaking!
  • The game's crafting systems uses blueprints which can be reused to craft new items with different stats. This might mean that you can recraft an item to have better stats suited to your playstyle. The crafting system also has a feature called 'Recalibration', which might work similar to the way reforging works in World of Warcraft where you can replace certain stats on a weapon with a new random stat you may find more important.
  • An update to the Ubisoft Club teaches us that you won't start on Manhattan, since one of the badges gets awarded to you once you reach Manhattan. For a full list of all the Ubisoft Rewards you can look here.
Redditor ChristianRiesen also compiled a list of endgame content found within the game's files.
  • Gear Sets. These sets can be obtained by completing endgame challenges and wearing these sets give you new bonuses and access to new talents. There are several types of sets you can use to augment your playstyle. The 4 sets found are 'Tacticians' Authority', which boosts your electronic and support abilities, 'Striker's Battlegear', which boosts your combat abilities, 'Sentry's Call', which enhances accuracy, and 'Path of the Nomad', which provides bonuses to players who prefer playing solo over playing in a squad.
  • Some more info on item trading. You can trade obtained items with other players for a limited time by dropping them from your inventory so other players can pick it up. This feature can only be used by you and other players who are in the same squad, so you won't have to worry about random players swooping in to take the gear you meant to give to your buddy.
  • Dailies and Weeklies. These missions are automatically accepted when you log into the game and can be tracked from the 'Mission Overview' menu. If you don't finish these missions within the allotted timeframe  you will automatically get assigned new ones at the end of the time period. These missions come in 4 flavors: Combat, Dark Zone, Crafting, Main Missions (which could mean that the game sends you back to do completed story missions again like in Destiny). Most of these missions can be completed by playing alone, with some missions requiring you to team up with other people. Completing these missions gets you Phoenix Points, which is a form of currency used to buy endgame gear.
  • The Dark Zone will feature supply drops where Homeland Defense will periodically drop supplies into the Dark Zone to aid agents out in the field. The gear found within these drops will be uncontaminated so you won't have to extract them before using them. There's a limited amount of gear per drop so you'll have to fight over them with other players.
  • Gear Score. Equipment you will find once you've reached level 30 will carry an item level of sorts and high-level content needs high-level gear if you want to have a chance at beating the challenges. Your overall Gear Score is the average of all your gear put together. Your Gear Score will be displayed next to your health bar.
  • And finally, there's the Challenge Mode. Challenge Mode allows you to go back to already completed missions and replay them with unique modifiers and new enemy encounters (which are all at level 32) for high-end gear. In order to qualify for the Challenge Mode you must have already had completed the mission and be at level 30. This mode is tailored towards groups of 4 players, so there's no chance of completing these on your own.
What do you think of the new info? Let us know in the comments!

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Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Tom Clancy's The Division
Ubisoft Massive
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
March 7, 2016 (Calendar)
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