The Division Season Pass Details Revealed

Published: February 4, 2016 9:32 AM /


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By now we're all used to the season pass, a service that bundles planned post-release content into one neat package for a slightly reduced price, and Tom Clancy's The Division will off course have one as well.

In a blog post on the official The Division website, Ubisoft shared some more info on what will be included in the season pass, as well as announce something that is decidedly less consumer friendly: season pass specific events.

If you pick up the season pass you'll get access to the 3 expansions already in the pipes. Those three expansions, titled 'Underground', 'Survival' and 'Last Stand', will add more story to the game in addition to completely new gear and mechanics as you vie for control over New York. If you get the season pass you will also gain access to the exclusive sawed-off shotgun which can be used in your sidearm slot and is best used to tear your enemies apart from up close. Season Pass holders will also gain access to exclusive weapon skins and avatar outfits.

One thing that will only be available to Season Pass holders are monthly events that players can fight in to win special benefits, as well as exclusive content drops not available to the general public. Make of that what you will.  The drops are not only not available to the general public but given the exclusive nature this will mean that unlike other DLC you won't be able to buy them piecemeal if you want to pick and choose your content.

The Division is coming out later this year for current-gen and Microsoft Windows. I recently took part in the game's closed beta. If you want to read my impressions you can do so here.

Quick Take

I'm cool with little incentives to nudge people towards getting the season pass, but special monthly events that get you special items that non-season pass holders can't get? I don't know about that. It's too early to cry foul and assume the worst (so let's not go there until we have a reason to) but it is making me feel a bit uneasy. What if these special items give season pass holders a clear advantage over others in the Dark Zone? It'll probably be fine but until we've more info I'm a bit wary of this. 

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Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Tom Clancy's The Division
Ubisoft Massive
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
March 7, 2016 (Calendar)
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