The Elder Scrolls Online Goes Elsweyr This Summer

Published: January 15, 2019 10:15 PM /


elder scrolls online elsweyr

Zenimax Online has announced plans for an action-packed year of Elder Scrolls Online. The Season of the Dragon and Elsweyr will feature two things fans of the series love: Khajiit, and dragons. Dragons are the focus, and each of the four DLC packs will be interconnected in some way based on this theme. The four packs are, according to the official announcement:

  • Wrathstone DLC dungeon pack
  • Elsweyr Chapter
  • Unannounced Q3 DLC dungeon pack
  • Unannounced Q4 DLC story zone

Wrathstone, the first dungeon DLC, features the Frostvault and Depths of Malatar dungeons. This is set for Q1 2018. The second dungeon DLC will follow Elsweyr later in the year.

Elsweyr is the main focus of the announcement. It appears to be less like smaller zone DLCs such as the recent Murkmire and more like last year's large Summerset expansion. Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr will have tons of new additions to the game including an Elsweyr zone, main questline, a 12-player trial, and even dragon attacks. From the announcement:

The Dragons have returned to Tamriel. Unleashed upon the world by the unwitting Abnur Tharn and the Imperial usurper queen Euraxia, the great Kaalgrontiid and his followers hunt from the skies and threaten to burn down the ancestral home of the Khajiit.

For most players, this will be their first experience with Elsweyr proper. It has grasslands and deserts, and the harsh lands of the Khajiit become even more inhospitable when dragons are thrown into the mix. Dragons will require several players to take down, and so it shouldn't be as easy as it was in Skyrim.

Lastly, Elsweyr introduces a brand new class - the Necromancer. Necromancy isn't new to the Elder Scrolls series, but it will shake things up. Taking control of the dead is par for the course, but citizens still frown upon this dark magic. Casting Necromancy spells in public can rake up a bounty, meaning it's essentially illegal to be a Necromancer. Players will have to be careful the next time they are messing around in town.

You can also check out the expansions editions page if you're interested in purchasing it. Morrowind and Summerset had similar options, including expansion-themed boxes and digital goodies. For now, expect The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr to drop on June 4 this year for PC, Xbox One, and PS4.



Quick Take

Well, I'm really excited. This isn't much of a surprise thanks to a recent datamine, but it's great to see an official announcement. Plus, a whole year of planned content with an overarching story reminds me of the Morrowind, Clockwork City, and Summerset arch. They were all interconnected, and it worked well. Plus, I really hope that the second unannounced zone coming in Q4 this year will be as big as the Summerset Isles zone as well as Elsweyr.

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Austin cut his teeth writing various  fan-fiction stories on the RuneScape forums when he was in elementary school. Later on, he developed a deep love for… More about Austin

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Learn More About The Elder Scrolls Online
Bethesda Softworks
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
April 4, 2014 (Calendar)
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