Expeditions: Rome Developer Logic Artists Closing Down to Make NFT Games

There's bad news for fans of the Expeditions franchise -- Expeditions: Rome developer Logic Artists is closing down and joining Dynasty Studios to make NFT games.

Published: January 20, 2022 3:24 PM /


Expeditions: Rome Developer Logic Artists Closing Down cover

There's bad news for fans of the Expeditions franchise -- Expeditions: Rome developer Logic Artists is closing down and joining Dynasty Studios to make NFT games.

Expeditions: Rome has launched today, a little more than a year after the game was first revealed. It's a solid entry in the franchise, but it also looks like it may be the last: Logic Artists is closing down and joining Dynasty Studios to make NFT games.

Expeditions Rome Developer Logic Artists Closing Down slice

Why Expeditions: Rome Developer Logic Artists is Closing Down

Expeditions: Rome developer Logic Artists is closing down in order to join Dynasty Studios, a new developer that is focused on making NFT games.

As VentureBeat reports (via Reddit), Dynasty Studios is a game developer that has raised $5 million in funding to make "high-quality" NFT games. News about new NFT games or NFT game developers isn't particularly interesting on its own, but what is interesting is buried a little further on down in the text of the article.

Dynasty Studios originates from Logic Artists, a Denmark-based gaming studio founded in 2011. It has made games such as the Expeditions series of titles, and it is finishing up work on Expeditions: Rome, which will be published by THQ Nordic. After that, Logic Artists will wind down and its staff will join Dynasty Studios.

Further evidence for this closure can be found in the now-dead Careers page at Logic Artists' website -- note how an archived version of the page lists several openings for the company. Now, the link to the Careers web page loops back to the site's frontpage and the Careers web page itself 404s. Dynasty Studios, however, lists over two dozen openings at its studios in Copenhagen and Istanbul -- the same two cities where Logic Artists had offices.

Finally, a developer commented on the studio closure on the Expeditions: Rome Steam Community forums, clarifying two points about the move from Logic Artists to Dynasty Studios.

I feel the need to clarify two things.

First off, not everyone who worked on Expeditions: Rome will join Dynasty.

Secondly, as others have pointed out here, the Expeditions series has been owned by THQ Nordic since before Rome began development. The creation of Dynasty will not affect the support of Rome nor the DLC plans.

As for Dynasty I can't really talk about that because I have nothing to do with it :)

Logic Artists is best known for the Expeditions franchise; aside from the recent release of Expeditions: Rome, it also released Expeditions: Conquistador and Expeditions: Viking. It was also working on the Divinity: Original Sin spinoff Divinity: Fallen Heroes, but that game was ultimately put on "indefinite hold."

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More Info About This Game
Learn More About Expeditions: Rome
Game Page Expeditions: Rome
Logic Artists
THQ Nordic
Release Date
January 20, 2022 (Calendar)
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