Free Chernobylite Update "Ghost Town" Released

The second free DLC update for Chernobylite has been released, and it includes a new level based on the Pripyat Residential Area.

Published: December 21, 2021 9:23 AM /



Chernobylite, which some fans have compared to Metro 2033 and Stalker, has just released its second free DLC today. The latest Chernobylite update, Ghost Town, includes a new level based on the Pripyat Residential Area. You can explore Pripyat but also take part in new side missions against monsters and soldiers. 

Chernobylite is a title that has received good reviews at launch and received a console launch as well as a DLC roadmap. Basically, publisher and developer The Farm 51 have been busy, and it's not going to slow down anytime soon. If you like Chernobylite, you're going to get a lot more content over the next year.

Want to see what the latest Chernobylite update looks like? Check it out below:

What's else is in the Chernobylite update?

The biggest addition is the new level, the Pripyat Residential Area, which is a 3D scanned recreation of Pripyat's actual neighborhoods along with iconic locations such as the Azure Swimming Pool. There will also be new events and resources to collect, which includes three new side missions and monster hunts. 

That's it for the free DLC this time around, but for paid DLC there's the Deadly Frost Pack for $3.99. It's a set of five icy weapon skins that look pretty cool but aren't a requirement at all unless you too want to look swag as you're gunning down monsters in Pripyat.

For the rest of the update, there are a few fixes that have been made. The Pripyat Port and Power Plant have had their lighting optimized as before it was too aggressive. Monsters are now easier to find in the previous Monster Hunt DLC, and a duping glitch involving the recycling machine has now been fixed. There are a bunch more fixes and crashes and misspellings that have been fixed, so if you'd like to read them all be sure to go here.

For all the latest news on every Chernobylite update, stay tuned to TechRaptor for more information.

What do you think of Chernobylite? Have you ever heard of it before? If you have, do you think the comparison between Metro 2033 and Stalker is a good one? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Game Page Chernobylite
The Farm 51
The Farm 51
Release Date
October 16, 2019 (Calendar)
Horror, Survival
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