Grounded Spider Enemies Will Disappear for Arachnophobes

Published: April 9, 2020 3:40 PM /


Grounded spider enemies cover

The Grounded spider enemies looked pretty darn cool in the recently-released story trailer, but not everyone liked the/m. Some people just aren't that fond of spiders, but that won't be a big problem; Obsidian Entertainment is cooking up a special "Arachnophobia Mode."

Check out the creepy crawlies in the recent Grounded Story Trailer. (If you don't like spiders or bugs in general, then you probably shouldn't watch this.)

They look pretty neat, but some people have a problem with spiders in general. One Twitter user said that he'd avoid playing this game as a result.

"Just watched the trailer for @GroundedTheGame by @Obsidian and those giant spiders pretty much told me I probably won't be playing much of this," @TheRealKoding said on Twitter.

However, Obsidian Entertainment seems to have anticipated this problem and announced an upcoming solution for fans with a fear of eight-legged freaks.

"Good news for you, @TheRealKoding," began a response from Obsidian Entertainment. [The] @GroundedTheGame  team is implementing an arachnophobia mode to help with those who aren't fans of spiders and still want to enjoy the game!"

Grounded spider slice

How Will 'Arachnophobia Mode' Get Rid of Grounded Spider Enemies?

How exactly will this "Arachnophobia Mode" work in Grounded? For the moment, the developers are still figuring it out.

"There is still research being done as to what [Arachnophobia Mode] will finally do," stated a follow-up tweet from Obsidian. "Once we're ready to show it off, we will!"

We can't say for sure exactly how it will work; presumably, this mode will replace the creepy crawlies with something less scary for the folks who are bothered by it. For now, you can add Grounded to your wishlist on Steam.

Are you bothered by the Grounded spider enemies? Do you think more games should make the effort to help out fans with arachnophobia? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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