Humble June Monthly Bundle Released

Published: June 3, 2016 4:26 PM /


humble monthly cover

Its the first Friday of a month, so its time for the next Humble Monthly Bundle! This month's bundle includes car soccer, pub crawling, survival, and planetary destruction.

Anyone who bought the bundle already had access to the sneak peak game, which was Rocket League the game that everyone seems to be buying still a year after release. This sports game sees you playing soccer with rocket powered cars, your goal being to smack them into the opposing team's goal. You can read our review of Rocket League here.

rocket league chaos run
Rocket League

Seven other games are included in this months' bundle. Starting it off is The Forest, an early access first person survival game. Here you're the lone survivor of a plane crash and you need to survive on a mysterious island with a strange monstrous race. Next up is Planetary Annihilation: Titans. This stand-alone expansion pack to the original RTS game allows new ways to battle and features massive planetary conflicts against other players. The third game available this month is Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, a goofy local co-op game where one player must disarm a bomb using instructions read by another player who can't see the bomb.

Next up is Dungeons of the Endless Crystal Edition. This mashup of a Roguelite and Tower Defense sees you having to protect a generator while exploring a dungeon in search of a way out. The fifth game is Steredenn, an attempted combination of Roguelikes and SHMUPS. Here you will be piloting your ship through various levels as you continue to upgrade it with new gear.

The Forest

The last two games are the Humble Debut and the Humble Original. The Humble Debut is a game that has been released at the same time as the Humble Monthly Bundle. This month it's Wasted. This goofy "post apocalyptic pubcrawler" sees you shooting through weird enemies and collecting new weapons and armor so you can go through more pubs to get, well... wasted. The Humble Original is a game that's exclusive to the Humble Monthly Bundle and can't be acquired anywhere else. This month its Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche, a strange SHMUP by Wayforward that features weapons that cause the game to constantly shift genres. While Cat Girl Without Salad is its own game, Wayforward says it's going to be the first taste of a new upcoming series. As always, buying the Humble Monthly Bundle will get you a 10% coupon for the Humble Store.

Next months Humble Monthly Bundle is already available to purchase, and the sneak peak game is already available to download. This time, it's Hurtworld, another multiplayer first person early access survival game that seeks to try and be more difficult for players. The next bundle is available for $12 and the games will unlock the first Friday of July (which is the 1st this year).

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Samuel Guglielmo TechRaptor
| Reviews Editor

I'm Sam. I have been playing video games since my parents brought home a PlayStation whenever that came out. Started writing for TechRaptor for 2016 and,… More about Samuel

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Learn More About Rocket League
Game Page Rocket League
Release Date
July 7, 2015 (Calendar)
Racing, Arcade, Sports
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