The Long Dark Perilous Constraint Update Adds Blackrock to Survival Mode

The Long Dark Perilous Constraint Update has arrived, adding the Blackrock Region to Survival Mode, new items, and a bunch of quality-of-life improvements for this survival game.

Published: December 7, 2021 3:50 PM /


The Long Dark Perilous Constraint Update cover

The Long Dark Perilous Constraint Update has arrived, adding the Blackrock Region to Survival Mode, new items, and a bunch of quality-of-life improvements for this survival game.

First released in Steam Early Access in late 2014, The Long Dark has continued to provide players with new story and Survival Mode content. The Episode 4 release date was delayed last year and it eventually debuted back in October, but Hinterland Studio hasn't forgotten about Survival Mode -- a new update has launched today.

What's New in The Long Dark Perilous Constraint Update?

The first major addition in The Long Dark Perilous Constraint Update is the addition of the Blackrock Region to Survival Mode. You can make your way into this region via Pleasant Valley through a Transition zone and via Timberwolf Mountain through a cave.

In addition to this region, the Noisemaker from Episode 3 is now available for crafting in Survival Mode; unfortunately, you'll have to travel to the Blackrock Region and discover a Noisemaker before you can unlock the Blueprint to craft more. Also arriving in this update is a brand-new item: the Ballistic Vest. This is the first piece of armor added to the game and will offer "strong defense" against wildlife attacks.

The final major highlight is several quality-of-life improvements; these include the ability to repair Crampons and a bunch of bug fixes. You can read about the new content in today's announcement and you can join in on the fun by buying The Long Dark for PC and consoles via its official website starting at $34.99 or your regional equivalent. You can also get the game on Steam for $11.89, a 66% discount that lasts until December 13, 2021.

What do you think of the new additions in The Long Dark Perilous Constraint Update? What other equipment would you like to see in the game? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About The Long Dark
Game Page The Long Dark
Hinterland Studios
Hinterland Studios
PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
August 1, 2017 (Calendar)
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