Minecraft Axolotl Islands Map Arrives on Bedrock for Free

The Minecraft Axolotl Islands map has been revealed as the next piece of New Year's content coming to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition -- and you can download it for free right now!

Published: January 4, 2022 2:07 PM /


Minecraft Axlotl Islands Map cover

The Minecraft Axolotl Islands map has been revealed as the next piece of New Year's content coming to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition -- and you can download it for free right now!

The new year is starting off great for Minecraft. The game has hit over a trillion views on YouTube and it finally released the second part of the Caves and Cliffs update early last month. Mojang has also promised players that some free content would be coming to celebrate the New Year. Now, the next piece of content has made its debut: check out the Minecraft Axolotl Islands Map!

The titular Axolotl Islands have been overrun by Slimes and it's up to you to save them! Players will be transported to the colorful land and adventure across several different biomes, freeing the adorable little sea creatures from squishy doom.

As today's news post highlights, The map was created by Canadian Minecraft content creation group TetraScape, it had a few choice words to share about the plight of these cute creatures in the real world.

"With the recent addition to the game, the axolotls are quickly becoming a favorite mob, and this map seems like a good way to bring awareness to the fact that the axolotl, or Mexican salamander, is critically endangered and could use your help in saving its environment," TetraScape said in today's announcement. "This amazing animal can regenerate limbs and is the key to immortality, among being a huge help to its environmental ecosystem. There are only around 1000 left in the wild and every little thing counts. Let’s do what we can to help and let this map be a motivator!"

You can download the Minecraft Axolotl Islands map for Bedrock Edition right now completely for free. If you don't yet own this game for some weird reason, you can buy Minecraft on PC, consoles, mobile devices, and everything short of a Samsung Smart Fridge via its official website.

What do you think of the Minecraft Axolotl Islands map? What's your favorite piece of Minecraft Marketplace content released in the last year? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Release Date
May 17, 2009 (Calendar)
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