New Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Walkthrough Trailer

This story from early 2014 looks at a new trailer revealed for the open-world adventure Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.

Published: January 24, 2014 3:41 PM /


Celebrimbor seated atop a throne in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor art

Recently, we learned of an all-new game by the name of Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor. It'll be centered around a former ranger with wraith abilities named Talion.

When the game was announced, it was met with some criticism by Lord of the Rings fans, as they have been less than pleased with the wraith theme to the game.

Talion and Celebrimbor surrounded by Orcs and fighting them in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

With that said, the game is showing some great looking visuals and gameplay, and with the release of the new walkthrough trailer below, we're getting an all new look at the game! We hope it makes you as excited as we are!

In the trailer, we get to see a fantastic example of the graphics, gameplay, and voice acting that we'll get to see within the game. With the introduction of the Nemesis system, we learn just how dynamic this game will be with every playthrough!

We're currently reaching out to Monolith for an interview, and if you missed our previous posts, check out the introduction to the game, as well as the recent screenshots!

What are your thoughts on this all new look at the game? Are you excited?

Have a tip, or want to point out something we missed? Leave a Comment or e-mail us at

Rutledge Daugette
| CEO and Founder

Rutledge Daugette is the Guides Editor & Founder of TechRaptor. Rutledge's degree in Game Programming ultimately led him to found the site in 2013, with… More about Rutledge

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor
Release Date
September 30, 2014 (Calendar)
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