New Ready or Not Maps Detailed in Dev Update

Ready or Not players can get intel on two new locations they'll be traveling to when the June 2022 update arrives next month.

Published: May 26, 2022 4:01 PM /


Ready or Not Maps Club and Valley cover

Void Interactive has shared more details and new screenshots about the two new Ready or Not maps Club and Valley, both of which are expected to arrive in a June 2022 update.

Ready or Not is a first-person shooter that has you and your friends playing as members of a SWAT team trying to defuse deadly crimes like hostage situations and bomb threats. It has previously added new maps in January and February of this year; now, a new dev update shows us more of another two maps that are expected to arrive next month.

Ready or Not Maps Club and Valley slice

What to Expect in the New Ready or Not Maps 'Club' and 'Valley'

The new Ready or Not maps Club and Valley will add some interesting situations that players will have to fight their way through -- and in the case of Club, the environment will be particularly challenging.

Let's start with Valley -- the dev update shows a decently-sized mansion with quite a few open areas., This is sure to be an interesting experience, but it probably won't compare to the challenges you'll face in the other map.

The Club map is, in some respects, even more open than the massive mansion of Valley. It features long hallways, a large dance floor, and several other areas with little-to-no cover once you actually step through a doorway. Adding to the difficulty are all of the things that make clubs fun -- bright lights in dark areas and loud, pulsing club music will force you to pay very close attention to where you're going.

The Ready or Not update that will feature these maps has taken a little longer than Void Interactive would have liked, but it said that it needed the time to ensure quality and avoid crunch. It looks like these new maps might just be worth the wait considering what we've seen today.

If you're interested in learning more, you can see quite a few new screenshots of these upcoming maps in today's news post. You can join the fight against criminals by buying Ready or Not for PC in Steam Early Access at the price of $39.99 or your regional equivalent.

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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VOID Interactive
VOID Interactive
Release Date
December 17, 2021 (Calendar)
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