Nioh 2 Gets Photo Mode, Nine New Missions

Published: May 15, 2020 10:04 AM /


The protagonist battles a monster in Nioh 2

Nioh 2 has some brand new goodies. Starting today, you'll be able to access a Photo Mode as well as nine new missions at no extra cost. There's also more stuff on the way in the future.

Sony and Team Ninja say the new Photo Mode is "much more than a simple add-on". It'll have in-depth camera settings and extras, so you'll be able to tweak plenty of parameters once you've got the perfect shot. The Photo Mode will let you mess with exposure, lighting, tint, and gradation, plus plenty more. In addition to this, you'll have access to some dramatic filters to make your shot look even more dynamic. There are also nine new missions to tackle. These missions are a mixture of sub-missions and Twilight missions.

A glimpse of the new photo mode in Nioh 2
Nioh 2's new Photo Mode lets you take snaps like a pro.

What about DLC? What's next for Nioh 2?

According to Team Ninja and Sony, Nioh 2 is getting three "sizable & badass" DLC packs over the next several months. These DLC packs will comprise new story elements, new yokai to fight, extra bosses to take on, and plenty of new loot to find. The devs are also promising new difficulty levels and more end-game content. If you're a Nioh 2 fan, there should be plenty to keep you occupied over the next few months. Sony and Team Ninja provided the following teaser to get you hyped for the DLC's new story content:

A great battle has taken place at Yashima in the late Heian period. As a visitor in Yashima, our protagonist finds a shrine possessing a mysterious whistle called the Sohayamaru. Upon inspection, the whistle shines radiantly as the shadow of Yokai can be seen lurking in the background. It is revealed that whenever wars take place, heroes wielding the Sohayamaru will head into battle in order to restore peace back into this land.

The first DLC pack is called "The Tengu's Disciple", and it'll launch for Nioh 2 on July 30th. We don't yet know exactly what's coming as part of this pack, but Sony and Team Ninja say they'll be releasing more details in the coming months. In the meantime, you can grab Nioh 2 on PlayStation 4 right now. The first one eventually made its way to PC, so there's a chance this one will too. For now, though, it's a PS4 exclusive. 

Are you excited to get stuck into Nioh 2's new update? Looking forward to the DLC? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Game Page Nioh 2
Team Ninja
Bandai Namco
PlayStation 4
Release Date
March 13, 2020 (Calendar)
Action RPG
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