No Man's Sky Announces and Releases Surprise Expeditions Update

No Man's Sky has announced a new game mode in a surprise update called Expeditions.

Published: March 31, 2021 10:04 AM /


No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky's latest update Expeditions features Expeditions, a new game mode where groups of players start together on a shared journey. Each Expedition is structured around Milestone that can be completed in any order as players earn rewards, meet up with fellow players, and experience the game in a whole new way. 

Each Expedition phase has Milestone that are challenges that range from easy to very hard. They're open-ended so players can explore different aspects of No Man's Sky. You can pin a specific milestone to your mission log to learn more about it. While players earn rewards for completing Milestones, there's also an extra reward for those who complete the entire expedition. 

What Else is in the Expeditions Update?

Space Station Mission Agents have been completely reworked to make them more interesting and so they have more depth. Rewards have also gone through a rebalancing for high level missions as well. 

For each completed Expedition milestone there's over 100 hand-crafted patches that will fill out an album's worth. If you get them all you'll have a full album of patches to brag about and show off your Milestone achieving skills.

Also in the patch is a new HUD that's been "completely overhauled for a fresher, modern look", which includes a UI built for 4k screens and monitors. There's new Mission Target sweeping that can be done through the Analysis Visor's new Target Sweep mode. It's been done to add more exploration gameplay for players. 

There's cross-save rewards now, so rewards earned in Expeditions can be redeemed for free in other saves in any other game mode by visiting the Quicksilver Synthesis Companion on the Space Anomaly. This is so if you have a primary save your cool rewards can follow you to that main save.

Seasons have also been added to the game in the form of on-going expeditions. Expeditions will regularly begin, and the duration and length of each expedition will be unique. Each will explore a different theme with new exclusive rewards and challenges to conquer.

For more information on this new update (which comes out today!) be sure to check it out here.

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Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Hello Games
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
August 9, 2016 (Calendar)
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