No Man's Sky Expedition 2 'Beachhead' Starts Today

No Man's Sky has launched its second Expedition. Titled "Beachhead," Hello Games is promising "a journey with a very different pace and structure."

Published: May 17, 2021 2:08 PM /


No Man's Sky Expedition 2 Beachhead cover

Get ready for a new adventure: No Man's Sky Expedition 2 launches today! The No Man's Sky Beachhead expedition promises a different kind of challenge for new and old players alike as part of a new update.

No Man's Sky had a bit of a rough launch, but Hello Games has buckled down and worked on releasing new content in the following months and years. Since then, we've seen all sorts of new content updates and features added to the game to the delight of fans on both PCs and consoles.

No Man's Sky Expedition 2 Beachhead example
The "Pioneers" Expedition had a lot in store for players to explore.

One of these recent new developments was the debut of "Expeditions," a new way to play the game that was surprisingly launched late last year. Expeditions will put you in a totally new situation without the benefit of everything you've earned from playing the game thus far. These unique challenges require you to complete several "phases" leading up to an ultimate goal at the conclusion of the Expedition.

Thus far, only a single expedition has been released. Completing the first Expedition rewarded players with the "Pioneer" title, a decal, a banner, and a special Golden Vector starship. Now, a brand-new Expedition has begun — it's time to jump into Beachhead!

No Man's Sky Expedition 2 Beachhead phases
As before, the Beachhead Expedition will require players to practically start from scratch and travel to several star systems in their journey.

What We Know About No Man's Sky Expedition 2 'Beachhead'

No Man's Sky Expedition 2 is titled "Beachhead" and it's aiming to be somewhat different from "Pioneers," although there isn't much we know about the contents of this new Expedition just yet.

"When we created Expeditions, we wanted each one to feel fresh, each one to supply its own twists and contrasts," read today's update from the No Man's Sky team. "We are very excited to explore the gameplay and stories that this new mode gives us the chance to create. Today marks the start of Beachhead, a journey with a very different pace and structure to the Pioneers Expedition before it. We hope you enjoy the surprises it has in store!"

As before, this new Expedition will feature some unique rewards for completing it. Based on the images we can see in the update, it looks like you can score some new cosmetics for your spacesuit, a new ship, and a new banner.

Also arriving today is a small patch that largely focuses on fixing bugs (aside from the launch of the Beachhead expedition, of course); you can read the full No Man's Sky Expedition 2 patch notes for all the details. You can enjoy all of this new content by buying No Man's Sky for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox via its official website for $59.99 or your regional equivalent.

Are you excited about the No Man's Sky Beachhead Expedition? What did you think of the Pioneers Expedition when it launched earlier this year? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Learn More About No Man's Sky
Game Page No Man's Sky
Hello Games
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
August 9, 2016 (Calendar)
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