Norse City Builder Land Of The Vikings Sets Sail Next Month

The Land of the Vikings is a harsh and cruel place, as you'll find out when the city builder launches in Early Access in November.

Published: October 25, 2022 8:00 AM /


Land of the Vikings key art showing the logo and a Norse village.

Rejoice, Norse and city building lovers, for Land of the Vikings is launching on Steam Early Access on November 8th. It will launch for $19.99 with a 10% launch week discount, so if you're keen on getting some Viking city building action you should definitely check it out.

Originally announced in AugustLand of the Vikings casts you as a new village's Jarl. In this role, you must carefully manage your resources to survive harsh Nordic environments, as well as fending off periodic enemy raids. Your fellow Norse warriors will, of course, fight with one another, and you'll have to deal with those fights. This being a Norse game, there's a whole pantheon of gods that can help you and your city, with each god providing a specific bonus if you worship them. 

Land of the Vikings screenshot showing a viking village, animals, and a cool statue.
Be careful; Odin's watching.

There are many tasks that need completing to keep your Norse city up and running, including chopping wood and fishing for food. Each of your villagers will have unique skills and characteristics that will help make them unique, too, so assigning them to the right task is crucial. 

As you'd expect, your city will grow and change over time. This means that as more Vikings join you and create families, those families will change over the course of generations. This may come naturally or due to other causes, such as war or the nasty weather you'll experience. Earthquakes, blizzards, and other weather hazards are all on the table, so be prepared.

Happily, Land of the Vikings also gives you the ability to trade for goods and gold. This can be done peacefully or violently, through plunder, like a true Viking (although perhaps not, as history tells us). Successful raids will result in Fame points, which can be spent in Yggdrasil, the tech tree of life. Through Yggdrasil you can discover beer brewing, invest in goat farming to gather wool and create better clothes, and more.

For more information on Land of the Vikings and other city builders, stay tuned to TechRaptor.

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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