Not Tonight 2 Sets Its Sights On A Post-Democracy USA

Not Tonight 2 has been announced, and after the first game examined post-Brexit Britain, No More Robot's first-ever sequel is aiming squarely at the USA

Published: August 12, 2021 11:00 AM /


The official artwork for Not Tonight 2, depicting an American flag and several cast members

Remember post-Brexit document thriller Not Tonight? If you do, and you remember it fondly, then there's some good news. Not Tonight 2 is on the way, and it's setting its sights on an alternate version of America in which democracy is long forgotten.

What can we expect from Not Tonight 2?

PanicBarn and publisher No More Robots describe Not Tonight 2 as a "political dark comedy" in a similar vein to the original. It'll examine an alternative USA in which "democracy is a thing of the past" and capitalist greed has become the dominant mode of thinking. Since the publisher is British, the studio says it found a team of people with the right perspectives for telling the story in Not Tonight 2. The game has been written and created by a team of POC writers and artists; the three writers on the project are Americans, while the artists hail from Argentina, Brazil, and Russia. You can check out the announcement trailer below.

You'll play as three bouncers, Malik, Kevin, and Mari, as they attempt to rescue their friend Eduardo from the threat posed by the fascist Martyrs group. Gameplay-wise, you can expect the same document-checking puzzling as in Not Tonight, although this time it'll be accompanied by a variety of what PanicBarn is calling "politically-driven minigames". These include checking your guests' religion, joining a cult, working on "the Texan wall", and plenty more. It sounds like if you were a fan of Not Tonight, you'll enjoy this one too.

A document-checking scene in Not Tonight 2
Not Tonight 2 shifts the satirical document-checking action of the first game from a broken post-Brexit Britain to a post-democracy USA.

When is the Not Tonight 2 release date?

We don't have a concrete release date for Not Tonight 2 just yet. Publisher No More Robots promises that the game will arrive later this year. At the very least, we know it's coming to PC via Steam. The original also found its way to the Nintendo Switch, so there's a good chance we may see the sequel land on Nintendo's hybrid console too. We'll almost certainly get more details about the game in the coming weeks and months, so stay tuned for more info. In the meantime, you can also keep an eye on the official Not Tonight website for more news.

Are you looking forward to Not Tonight 2? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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No More Robots
Release Date
February 11, 2022 (Calendar)
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