PC Gaming Show E3 2018: Star Control: Origins

Published: June 11, 2018 7:25 PM /


star control origins pc gaming show e3 2018

Fans of space games will have an open-universe action RPG to play very soon called Star Control: Origins.

In Star Control: Origins, players will be charged with ensuring humanity's future by exploring an open universe with thousands of planets and many alien races. Unfortunately, not all of them are friendly - the Scryve Empire have interpreted our ancient radio broadcasts as an indication that we are a very dangerous species that must be eliminated. Set in 2088, our most advanced starship has ventured out with some pretty nice tools and a whole bunch of nuclear weapons - just in case. Unfortunately, some of the alien races out there have much more powerful firepower and part of the game will be about trying to get your hands on more advanced technology. Take a look at the trailer for yourself to see some of this in action:


Modding will be a core feature of the game. Players will be able to create their own ships, adventures, and other similar gameplay elements and share them with other people online. There will also be more structured play, of course. Fleet battles are going to be another core part of the game. You can play them in local multiplayer or online in both unranked and ranked play.

Although there's a lot to explore, players in Star Control: Origins are getting out there in the universe to complete a mission by any means necessary. Star Control is not necessarily tacitly endorsing the use of any underhanded means to accomplish your mission, but I'm sure that they would look the other way considering that the fate of humanity is on the line.

If you want to get this game ASAP, you can pre-purchase Star Control: Origins on Steam or on GOG [Affiliate Link] for $34.99 or your regional equivalent. You can also head on over to the game's official website if you'd like to learn more about it. It will be launching on September 20, 2018.

Disclosure: GOG works with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership, and TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from links in this article. In addition, GOG provides a monthly giveaway to our Pack Hunter members.

What do you think of Star Control: Origins? Does this particular style of game appeal to you? Do you think it will be fun to play this game with mods or would you prefer a vanilla experience? Let us know in the comments below! If you want to know more about this and other announcements happening at E3 then be sure to check out our E3 2018 Coverage Hub.

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Star Control: Origins
Release Date
September 20, 2018 (Calendar)
Strategy, RPG
Purchase (Some links may be affiliated)