Rend Is Heading To Early Access July 31

Published: July 11, 2018 3:12 PM /


glutt creature myrkfen rend

Rend's closed alpha is coming to an end, and after much community feedback, the online fantasy survival game will be heading to Steam's early access on July 31st.  For $29.99 you'll be able to hop in and start playing right away. To learn more about what Rend is, check out our preview from PAX West last year.

Back in May, developer Frostkeep Studios detailed the alpha roadmap for Rend. They spelled out what the goals of the alpha were and the feedback they were looking for. Now that it is coming to a close, those systems should be in place and ready for everyone to play in early access.

As a reminder to those that are wary of early access, this is Frostkeep's mindset for using it:

Our standard for Early Access is simple: the game must be in a state such that if we were to never touch its code ever again, Rend would be considered a finished, complete game worth its buy-to-play-only price. We believe this was the original vision for Early Access and we will hold ourselves and our games to that standard. You should too.
Having spoken to the developers a couple of times now, the community feedback has been a key factor in Rend's development. In the announcement for early access, co-founder and CEO of Frostkeep Studios Jeremy Wood states that early access "marks a pivotal moment" for the company. The philosophy of working with those that want to play the game to make it the best it can be is about to be blown up to a significantly larger scale, meaning much more feedback.

The team has continual updates on Rend, which you can find here. Most recently they go over their UI overhaul, and in the preceding weeks, they went into the different biomes and creatures you'll find in Rend.

Will you be trying out Rend early access at the end of the month? Let us know in the comments below!

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Andrew Otton
| Editor in Chief

Andrew is the Editor in Chief at TechRaptor. Conned into a love of gaming by Nintendo at a young age, Andrew has been chasing the dragon spawned by Super… More about Andrew

More Info About This Game
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Game Page Rend
Frostkeep Studios
Frostkeep Studios
Release Date
December 31, 1969 (Calendar)
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