Rimworld 1.1 Update Adds New Sexuality In Major Update

Published: February 17, 2020 9:29 AM /


A base in Rimworld under attack by mechanoids.

Rimworld, the sci-fi base-building game with a Firefly-esque Western feel, has uploaded a 1.1 update onto Steam's unstable beta branch. Players trying out Rimworld 1.1 will find a wide variety of new features such as new and more visible sexuality traits and more animals.

Rimworld has players manage a group of people stranded on a sparsely-populated planet. Players will have to build a base, manage their colonist's needs and moods, and defend their holdings from a variety of hazards with the ultimate goal of finding a way to escape the planet. Rimworld 1.1 launched at around 9:30 EST on Steam's unstable beta branch as a means of getting some final testing done and smoothing out the transition for the game's many mods.

What to expect from Rimworld 1.1

You can find the full list of the changes in 1.1 here. Some of the new features in 1.1 include:

  • New/more visible sexuality traits: In version 1.0, colonists could have traits that made them gay or bisexual. However, only the gay trait was visible if you looked at a colonist's stats and traits. This caused a bit of controversy over how romances were inequal when looking at the game's code. Fortunately, 1.1 should fix that and make bisexuality visible to players. 1.1 will also allow colonists to be asexual.
  • More vanilla animalsRimworld has a variety of fancy animals such as the mighty thrumbo and boomalopes, deer-sized animals genetically engineered to produce chemfuel that explode on death. However, Rimworld 1.1 is integrating Oskar Potocki's Vanilla Animals mod to the main game, adding more real-life animals to the game. The list of new animals includes bison, horses, sheep, and geese. No word on if geese can cause low-key chaos in your base by stealing supplies and viciously honking at your colonists.
  • Wooden prosthetics: Rimworld's subsystem damage feature means colonists may lose body parts from injuries. Luckily, they can be replaced with varying qualities of prosthetics. 1.1 adds the ability to make and install wooden hands and feet for your disabled colonists. They're not particularly effective, but they're better than nothing.

If you don't own Rimworld, you can pick it up on Steam for $34.99. If you do own it, you can access the unstable branch by right-clicking RimWorld in your Steam library list, clicking Properties, and then selecting the ‘betas’ tab. Select ‘unstable’ from the drop-down list and you're good to go.

What do you think about the Rimworld 1.1 update? What are you hoping to see in the future? Let us know in the comments below!

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A picture of me, Brian Renadette
| Former Staff Writer

I am a graduate of Southern New Hampshire University with a major in writing and a minor in gaming. I have a passion for video games and writing. I also… More about Brian

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Ludeon Studios
Ludeon Studios
Release Date
October 17, 2018 (Calendar)
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