Rise of the Ronin Details Beautiful Historical Japanese Landscapes and How You'll Explore Them

Team Ninja has released a brand new trailer that's all about the gorgeous Edo-period Japanese landscapes in upcoming action RPG Rise of the Ronin.

Published: February 21, 2024 10:51 AM /


The player character cuddling a cat in Rise of the Ronin

Team Ninja and Sony have released a new Rise of the Ronin trailer, seemingly marking the first in what appears to be a new series.

Titled "World Vignette", the trailer revolves around the gorgeous-looking Edo-period locations you'll explore in Rise of the Ronin, as well as the methods you'll use to get around them. Presumably, future installments will also touch on the characters who inhabit that world.

For now, though, this new trailer opens with shots of the player character soaring over the various cities and rural areas of Japan using a wingsuit, before taking a more ground-level view as the player rides through Japan on horseback.

The player soaring over the city of Yokohama with their wingsuit in Rise of the Ronin
Rise of the Ronin's representation of Bakumatsu-era Japan looks absolutely stunning.

Following that, we get a glimpse of the various places you'll be able to explore in Rise of the Ronin, starting off with Edo, the city which would later become Tokyo (hence Edo-period).

You'll also get to explore Kyoto, which served as the seat of the Japanese emperor until the Meiji Restoration in the mid-to-late 19th century, as well as Yokohama, which has some truly beautiful-looking brick buildings.

Of course, we get to see the player soaring over Yokohama with a wingsuit, suggesting a high degree of freedom in terms of how you'll be able to explore these stunning-looking historical locales.

After this, we see the player meeting cats and getting to pick them up and cuddle them, which, frankly, has sold me completely on Rise of the Ronin. Just look at their little faces!

The trailer closes with a look at some of the other things you'll be able to get up to in Rise of the Ronin, including combat, open-world activities, and more exploration. It looks like if you've enjoyed other historical PlayStation epics like Ghost of Tsushima, then you'll love this one as well.

Rise of the Ronin arrives exclusively on PlayStation 5 on March 22nd. Stay tuned for more on this exciting-looking adventure.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Game Page Rise of the Ronin
Team Ninja
PlayStation 5
Release Date
March 22, 2024 (Calendar)
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