Rumor: New Mass Effect Game in Early Development

A new rumor claims that a brand new Mass Effect game is in the early stages of development at BioWare, with Mike Gamble as the director.

Published: November 16, 2019 12:00 PM /


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Hot off the heels on a report that BioWare is working on an overhaul to Anthem, Kotaku has noted that the Canadian-based studio is also, reportedly, working on a new Mass Effect game. 

According to journalist Jason Schreier, a new Mass Effect game is currently in "very early stages of development" under the direction of Mike Gamble, a longtime BioWare Producer.

Gamble is no stranger to the Mass Effect franchise, having worked on Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3 and Mass Effect: Andromeda, as a producer, as well as the lead producer on Anthem. If the rumor is true, this will be his first director job at BioWare. 

Mass Effect has been dormant since the release of Mass Effect: Andromeda in 2017, which received mixed reception from fans. The reception of Andromeda is often cited for the reason the franchise was on hiatus for the time being, as well as the merger of BioWare Montreal to EA Motive Studios. Gamble himself said in 2018 that Mass Effect is not dead, echoing the words of BIoWare head Casey Hudson. 

It should be noted that "very early stages of development" is likely only the beginnings of pre-production. This pre-production stage can include basic concept sketches and storyboards, to even just pitches to the games storyline or mechanics. 

The only other game in development at BioWare is the next Dragon Age title, which was officially announced last year at the 2018 The Game Awards as a trailer tease. All that is known about the next Dragon Age title is that Mark Darrah is the current director, and the current version of development, codenamed Morrison, this is using Anthem's tools and codebase as it's framework.

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Release Date
November 20, 2007 (Calendar)
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