Star Wars Battlefront 2 Scarif Update Will Be the Last

Published: April 28, 2020 2:27 PM /


Star Wars Battlefront 2 Scarif update cover

The upcoming Star Wars Battlefront 2 Scarif update is going to be the game's final piece of new content, marking the end of three and a half year journey for the sci-fi shooter.

Although Battlefront 2 had its fair share of controversy at its launch, the developers have since ironed out some of the more egregious problems and worked hard at getting new content out to players over the last few years. Now, the team at EA DICE has announced that The Battle on Scarif Update will be the game's last.

Check out The Battle on Scarif Community Update to see some of this new content in action:

"Looking beyond April, we’re transitioning to a phase where the servers, in-game challenges, recurring events such as Double XP and more, and game support will carry this broad and rich Star Wars gaming experience into the future," stated a news post on the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Scarif Update. "This means that we’re moving away from delivering regular content updates. As the game lives on with the players and our community, we’re looking forward to hearing your stories for years to come."

In other words: that's it for Star Wars Battlefront 2.

If you're thinking this game is reaching end-of-life because a sequel is on the way, you'll be disappointed to hear that Star Wars Battlefront 3 isn't likely, either — at least not this year.

While there won't be any new content after this update, that doesn't mean that the devs are halting work. They will be continuing their work with the game's anti-cheat system and keeping the servers up for quite a while, so you still should be able to enjoy the Battlefront 2 fun for some time.

This isn't the only end-of-life announcement, mind. EA DICE announced that the final Battlefield 5 update is coming this Summer, although the future for that series is a little brighter — Battlefield 6 is expected to arrive sometime in the next fiscal year (between April 01, 2021–March 31, 2022), which is presumably what these developers will all be going to work on.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Scarif Update slice

When is the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Scarif Update Release Date?

For now, there's still a fair bit of new content on the way for Battlefront 2; when will players be able to get it? Thankfully, it's all set to arrive very soon — the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Scarif update release date is April 29, 2020.

It's not all bad news, though! If you don't yet own this game and you're keen on experiencing all of the content released since launch, you can pick it up on sale for as much as 60% off from May 1–4, 2020.

What do you think about the last Star Wars Battlefront 2 update? Are you sad to see development coming to a close? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Star Wars Battlefront 2
Electronic Arts
Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 4
Release Date
November 17, 2017 (Calendar)
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