Super Meat Boy Races Onto Nintendo Switch January 11

Published: December 28, 2017 8:07 PM /


super meat boy nintendo switch

Super Meat Boy, the challenging platformer from Team Meat, will be heading to the Nintendo Switch on January 11, 2018, according to a tweet from the game's developers.

This will be the second Nintendo console that Super Meat Boy has come to following its Wii U release in May of 2016. The game has been prolifically available on a variety of platforms in the seven years since its initial release. The game will be joined by its upcoming sequel Super Meat Boy Forever which is set to debut on the PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Have a gander at the sequel's trailer:

Originally hailing from the halls of Newgrounds as a flash game, Super Meat Boy soon evolved into a fully-fledged platformer title. Platformers are a genre that has always had titles in abundance, but Super Meat Boy stood out in the crowd for being somewhat more challenging and unforgiving than its contemporaries in a vein similar to I Wanna Be The Guy. The core of the story features the titular Meat Boy trying to save his girlfriend Bandage Girl from the evil Dr. Fetus by navigating levels filled with devious traps. Only precision platforming skills and careful navigation can save the meaty protagonist from a chunky salsa death.

The version of the game coming to the Switch is likely to be a digital one, although some Twitter replies are nonetheless asking for a physical release. Team Meat has previously stated that a physical version of the game will "probably" come along next year on their Twitter. How exactly race mode will work is up in the air, although the header image from the announcement tweet gives us a glimpse into how it will work. Super Meat Boy will be available on the Nintendo Switch on January 11, 2018.

What do you think of Super Meat Boy coming to the Nintendo Switch in 2018? Do you think the new race mode will add something that the game has been missing? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Super Meat Boy
Game Page Super Meat Boy
Team Meat
Team Meat
Release Date
October 20, 2010 (Calendar)
Indie, Platformer
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