Temtem Update Adds Ranked MatchMaking And More

Published: April 8, 2020 11:27 AM /


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Today marks the newest content update that Crema, the developers of Temtem, have released for their title. It includes Ranked Matchmaking, readability fixes, a new status condition, and more.

Crema has introduced a new rating system called TMR (Tamer Matchmaking Rating) which will rate player's performance and give them points if they win ranked matches. Players will be matched based on their TMR, and for newcomers their Temtem will be auto-scaled in ranked battles, meaning that their levels will be boosted to the level cap of 48. Their SVs will also be maxed at 50, although TVs will remain untouched.

While it is currently disabled until the system is completely tested, winning matches will earn players a pansun award. Given that this is the first incarnation of ranked, it will evolve over the coming months, with more advanced features incoming. These features include seasons, leagues, medals, and more.

A Spectator mode is also coming for Ranked, and a basic version is included with the patch. Crema hopes that for those who are organizing and running tournaments that it makes their jobs a little easier.

What will make their lives "more epic and visually attractive" are player intros and outros, which will apparently "spice things up" in ranked matches with new animations. They've also added a bunch of new animations to different moves that various temtems can use.

The patch also addresses readability issues. A new Battle Log has been introduced, which will display relevant information for both teams on either side. It will show things such as health and stamina points, statuses, and stat stage changes. It's only enabled in competitive matches, but players can enable it for themselves if they want.

Crema has also done a Bamboozle rework which will hopefully fix the issue and improve readability. To do so, they introduced a new Status condition called Evading, which will apply to the target Tem. A second status update is Alerted, which will instantly apply when a Temtem wakes up from sleep and will prevent them from falling back asleep. There's four different tiers of awards in the FreeTem foundation, there's new area names on the Map, there's several balance changes, lots of bug fixes, and lot of new technique animations.

For those who want to get down and gritty with Temtem's patch notes, be sure to go here.

What do you think of Temtem's ranked matchmaking? What do you want to see added to the game? Let us know in the comments below!

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Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Humble Bundle
Release Date
January 21, 2020 (Calendar)
MMO, RPG, Adventure
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