Ubisoft E3 2017 - Beyond Good and Evil 2

Published: June 12, 2017 6:11 PM /


Beyond Good and Evil 2 Header

Ubisoft Montpellier closes out the Ubisoft E3 showcase by giving a brand new trailer for Beyond Good and Evil 2.

The cinematic trailer is full of swearing monkeys and mafia pig lords, along with a chase between the police in what looks like a futuristic version of India.

Michel Ancel takes the stage, teary eyed, thanking the team for working so hard on Beyond Good and Evil 2, and thanking Guillemont for making this happen. The finally thanks the fans for sticking with them for so long.

The story takes place in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural human society in a different solar system, with a cast of colorful characters across a large solar system, including hybrids, human-animal cross-breeds that were created to be slaves. The game is actually a prequel to Beyond Good and Evil, so the main character will not be Jade.

Ancel invites players to sign up for their space monkey program, as he wants players to give feedback to make Beyond Good and Evil 2 one of the best games on the market today.

Ancel takes to youtube to breakdown the entire trailer, showing the world's social system and the details of the world between hybrids, humans, and their divergent cultures.

From the breakdown, we learn that the monkey's name is Knox, a confident, street-wise character with little social graces. He also shows gameplay elements in the trailer, using his grappling hook glove and a jetpack to maneuver through the game's vertical layers.

We are also introduced to Shani, a crewmate of Knox who helps him get away quick on a rocket-propelled motorbike. The entire game is also playable online,  described by Ancel as a seamless online adventure, which Ancel is proud of as it adds new dynamics to the game. Every member of your crew has a role to play, from the humans to the animal hybrid characters. Part of the reason for this was the heart of Beyond Good and Evil, that no matter who you are, you can be part of a team in the end.

Ancel doesn't give any spoilers throughout the trailer, but some elements hint at connections to Beyond Good and Evil, including the green-eyed woman at the end of the trailer, who is not Jade, according to Ancel.

No release date was given for Beyond Good and Evil 2, and no gameplay was technically shown, but Ancel notes that many of  the moments shown in the trailer can be re-created by players once they have their hands on the title.

What are your thoughts on Beyond Good and Evil 2? Excited to see it return after fifteen years? Leave your comments below and be sure to check more of our E3 coverage at our E3 coverage hub.

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A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Beyond Good And Evil 2
Release Date
December 31, 1969 (Calendar)
RPG, Adventure, Action