Wasteland 3 Hits Highest Concurrent Playercount, Xbox Dynamic Theme Revealed

InXile Entertainment Studio Head Brian Fargo has announced that Wasteland 3 has had "the most concurrent players" to date in the last few days, more than a year after the game first launched.

Published: December 3, 2021 3:15 PM /


Wasteland 3 Concurrent Playercount Xbox Dynamic Theme cover

InXile Entertainment Studio Head Brian Fargo has announced that Wasteland 3 has had "the most concurrent players" to date in the last few days, more than a year after the game first launched.

Wasteland 3 is a grand game where you can literally kill everyone else if you feel so inclined. InXile Entertainment has launched several updates over the last year including new challenges for hardcore players and a crafting system that lets you build a gun that fires wasps (because why not). It seems that the company's post-launch strategy has paid off -- Wasteland 3 just hit its highest concurrent playercount ever.

Wasteland 3 Concurrent Playercount Xbox Dynamic Theme slice

Why the Wasteland 3 Playercount Blew Up

The announcement of the spike in Wasteland 3 playercount was announced by InXile Entertainment Studio Head Brian Fargo on Twitter yesterday evening.

"In the last few days, we had the most concurrent players of Wasteland 3 yet," Fargo said in a tweet (via Reddit). "We love that people are continuing to discover and enjoy the game."

At first glance, the numbers on Steam don't quite line up -- according to SteamCharts, the game's all-time peak playercount was 24,545 and it's hovered around 3,000-3,400 players over the last week. However, we mustn't forget that the game is available on other storefronts (such as GOG) and other platforms (such as PS4 and Xbox One); while the Steam numbers aren't particularly noteworthy, there likely was an increase on consoles.

Adding fuel to the fire is the recent release of the game's final DLC The Cult of the Holy Detonation which was revealed earlier this yearWasteland 3 also had a fair amount of discounts over the last week (especially on third-party PC retailers). It seems that all of these small factors have come together to InXile's benefit.

Also Arriving: Wasteland 3 Xbox Dynamic Background

The great Wasteland 3 playercount numbers aren't the only cool thing to talk about -- Microsoft and inXile Entertainment have also launched a cool dynamic background for the game (which you can see in the above tweet). The Wasteland 3 Xbox Dynamic Background shows an iconic location from the recently-released The Cult of the Holy Detonation DLC.

With Wasteland 3 effectively content complete, there's never been a better time to buy it -- you can buy Wasteland 3 for PC and consoles starting at $39.99 or your regional equivalent.

What are your thoughts on the current state of Wasteland 3? Have you enjoyed The Cult of the Holy Detonation DLC? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Xbox Game Studios
PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
Tactical RPG, RPG
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