Witcher 3 Blood and Wine Achievements Unveiled

The achievements for the Witcher 3 Expansion, Blood and Wine, have been revealed.

Published: May 7, 2016 4:12 PM /


Witcher 3 Blood and Wine Screenshot

Blood and Wine is the upcoming expansion for the Witcher 3. However, despite the developers at  CD Projekt Red stating that the expansion will be released sometime during the first half of 2016, we still don’t know much about the expansion. We know it will include a new area called Toussaint, that the new area will be about the size of The Witcher 2, and now we know what the new achievements for the expansion will be.

The achievements were recently added to Steam, and there are thirteen in total. Three of these thirteen achievements for the expansion are hidden achievements, so there’s no way to know what they are at the moment. If you don’t want any of Blood and Wine spoiled for you, this is your warning. Although the achievements don’t give away much, you might still be able to deduce some story details from the descriptions of the achievements.

Here are the achievements for Blood and Wine:

The Witcher’s Gone South
Travel to the Duchy of Toussaint.
Last Action Hero
Be decorated with the Order of Vitis Vinifera.
Kling of the Clink
Serve time in Toussaint
A Knight to Remember
Obtain a flawless victory in all the competitions during the knights’ tourney.
Embodiment of the Five Virtues
Be given Aerondight by the Lady of the Lake.
Playing House
Use all available options for developing Corvo Bianco.
Turned Every Stone
Find all grandmaster diagrams for each witcher school.
I Have a Gwent Problem
Collect all the cards in the Skellige deck.
Dressed to Kill
Unlock the bonus for equipping all the witcher gear elements from one School.
Weapon “W”
Develop a mutation

And the three hidden achievements:
Hasta la Vista™
David and Golyat
The Grapes of Wrath Stomped

Blood and Wine does not currently have a release date, but the developers have stated that we should expect to learn more about the game sometime in May. CD Projekt Red also recently released new screenshots for Blood and Wine that show off some of Toussaint. Meanwhile, The Witcher 3 has done extremely well with over six million copies sold and numerous Game of the Year awards since it launched almost a year ago. You can pick up the game on PC, PlayStation 4, or Xbox One.

Do any of these achievements stand out to you? Are you excited for Blood and Wine? Let us know in the comment section below!

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More Info About This Game
Learn More About The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
CD Projekt Red
CD Projekt
Release Date
May 18, 2015 (Calendar)
Open World, RPG
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