Xbox Game Pass Frostpunk Release Coming to PC and Xbox One

Published: January 8, 2020 9:00 AM /


Xbox Game Pass Frostpunk PC

An Xbox Game Pass Frostpunk release has been announced alongside a few other games for both PC and Xbox One. Even better, both the PC and console edition of 11 bit studios' bleak city builder are being made available in the same batch.

If you haven't yet played Frostpunk, it's a pretty neat city builder with a Steampunk vibe. Set in an alternate history Victorian era, the world is getting a lot colder. Faced with the prospect of a new ice age, the British government has sent out engineers to establish cities centered around massive furnaces that will keep everyone alive. You'll control one of these furnaces, trying to survive while also maintaining social order however you can manage it.

PC owners will be able to get their hands on Frostpunk for Xbox Game Pass sometimes soon alongside FTL: Faster Than Light, but that's not all that's coming — a few more console games are also on the way.

Xbox Game Pass Frostpunk console

Xbox Game Pass Frostpunk Xbox One Version Also Arriving

Aside from the PC version, the console edition of Frostpunk will also be heading to Xbox Game Pass. We checked out the console edition back in June of 2019 and it seems that 11 bit studios did a pretty good job of making a city builder work well on console.

That's not all that's coming to Xbox Game Pass, though! Another two games have been announced for the Xbox One. Fighting game fans can look forward to Tekken 7, and the weebs out there can have fun with Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet.

Frostpunk and Sword Art Online will become available on the 9th of January, while Tekken 7 will be joining on the lineup on the 16th.

There's never been a better time to get into Frostpunk, especially with a brand-new expansion on the way. You can sign up for Xbox Game Pass at the price of just $1 for the first month (and $14.99/month or less after that).

What do you think of the Xbox Game Pass Frostpunk release? Do you prefer to play this kind of game on PC or console? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Frostpunk
Game Page Frostpunk
11 Bit Studios
11 Bit Studios
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
April 24, 2018 (Calendar)
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