XCOM 2 Delayed to February 5th, 2016

Published: August 28, 2015 10:39 PM /


XCOM 2 Title

XCOM: Enemy Unknown rebooted the X-COM and brought the series back into the public light back in 2012, and when the sequel, XCOM 2was announced this year, people were excited to get back to fighting aliens and dealing with the hectic back and forth cover/strategy gameplay. However, it was announced by 2K Games today that the game will be delayed to February 5th of 2016. The cited reasoning behind the delay has to do with the improvements that they want to make to the series, and the additional development time that will be necessary to hit their expectations. As stated by the XCOM 2 website, "We've set a high bar for the sequel and the entire team has been working hard to make sure we deliver a great follow-up to Enemy Unknown. We just need a little more time to make it the best possible game."

The enemy aliens won't come to play this year.
The enemy aliens won't come to play this year.

The game has only been announced for the PC (being one of the only PC-exclusive AAA games out there), and while the turn-based strategy game did have depth, it sounds like XCOM 2 is attempting to bring that gameplay to the next level, with of course, snake creatures, and additional combat complexity. Specifically, Firaxis has indicated that they wants a bit more depth, more replayability, and more investment in the soldiers that you end up putting hours and hours of training into.

Quick Take

Again, I'd rather have the game be delayed then a sub-par release to be made. We've seen this a lot more in the industry last year: and after years of bad releases over and over again, it's good to see the industry move toward that direction more and more. And I love the fact that they were specific on what they want to see in terms of quality, meaning that they have an expectation of the product they are trying to deliver.

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Shaun Joy TechRaptor
| Former Video Lead

YouTuber Dragnix who plays way too many games, and has a degree in Software Engineering. A Focus on disclosure on Youtubers, and gaming coverage in general… More about Shaun

More Info About This Game
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Game Page XCOM 2
2K Games
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date
February 4, 2016 (Calendar)
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