Yes, Your Grace Is A Kingdom Management RPG Coming Next Year

Published: October 2, 2019 5:46 PM /


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Publisher No More Robots has announced that they have partnered with developer Brave At Night for Yes, Your Grace, a kingdom management RPG in which you sit your royal buttocks on the throne and listen to petitioners beg for your assistance.

According to the official description, 

Yes, Your Grace tells a tale of Davern, a medieval kingdom ruled by King Eryk. The game is set in a fictional world where monsters and arcane practices inspired by Slavic folklore are the order of the day. Villagers will ask for your help with various problems, from monsters attacking the village to a lack of places to relax and enjoy themselves. Some will bring humour to your throne room and some will present you with difficult choices. Your family is important too, and throughout your time as King, you will have to support them in their struggles.

While on the throne, you must listen to petitioners who need your support, aid your family with their personal ambitions, and employ different agents such as generals, witches, and hunters to assist in your efforts. In addition to the time spent on the throne, the trailer also showcases an overworld map of sorts that tracks your territories and alliances. According to the developers, the game was especially influenced by Papers, Please and The Witcher series. 

Yes, Your Grace will launch on PC in early 2020, with console versions expected at a later time. Players can sign up for the early public beta on the game's Discord channel, or find out more about it on its Steam and Kickstarter pages. 

Quick Take

The trailer reminds me of that scene in Game of Thrones where Eddard Stark has to sit on the iron throne and listen to everyone's problems until he's sick of them, but in a totally good way. This sounds like a pretty cool idea, kind of like Long Live the Queen


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| Staff Writer

Jack Waibel is a writer, dungeon master, and lifelong gamer, with words appearing in EGM and TechRaptor. He’s tapped more land cards than modern science can… More about Jack

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