You Can Now Disable Days Gone Data Collection on PC

The Days Gone data collection feature can now be disabled thanks to a new option added in Days Gone PC Update 1.04 earlier today.

Published: June 14, 2021 4:30 PM /


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Late last month, Days Gone data collection was discovered in the PC version of the game. Now, Bend Studio has launched Days Gone PC Update 1.04 that gives players an option to turn it off.

Days Gone is one of the PlayStation exclusives that surprisingly came to PC — and more PlayStation exclusives are on the way) It's proven to be a good move, hitting #20 on the NPD Group's sales charts for all platforms last month. Unfortunately, it looks like the PC version of the game collects a fair amount of data about players and there was no apparent way to disable it. That's all changed with the latest patch!

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What is Days Gone Data Collection Doing?

As IGN India reported, a Steam review of the game by Higgsterman highlighted the issues with Days Gone data collection. Some players viewed it as so bad that they've opted to block it through alternative methods. The concerns were serious enough that the developers commented on the matter in a post-launch announcement.

"We are aware of the concern expressed by some players about the Data Collection Policy," read the Steam Community announcement. "Any personal information in the telemetry data is completely anonymized unless you specifically agree to Full & Limited Data."

According to Higgsterman's review, Days Gone on the PC could scan folders, record keystrokes, and potentially collect pretty much any other data from your computer. Sony Bend told IGN India that this data collection was specifically implemented as an anti-cheat system. Naturally, that led some fans to question the purpose of something like that in a single-player game that can be played offline.

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What's New in Days Gone PC Update 1.04?

The major addition in Days Gone PC Update 1.0.4 is a new option that allows players to apparently turn off Days Gone data collection entirely. This is surely welcome news to players who may have had privacy concerns about the game.

That's not the only change, mind! While this patch is on the smaller side, it specifically targets fixing some of the common issues reported by the community. These include crash fixes, removing the auto-detect for audio devices, adding mouse interactivity to the repair and refuel icons, and more. You can read more about these changes in the full Days Gone PC Update 1.04 patch notes (via Reddit).

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How to Disable Days Gone Data Collection

You can disable Days Gone data collection by selecting "Limited Data" when you start the game or in the options menu. It's that easy!

With the data collection issue apparently dead (and a few other fixes added), the Days Gone PC version is shaping up pretty nicely following its launch. You can buy Days Gone for PC via Steam for $49.99 or your regional equivalent. If you'd prefer to have the console version instead, you can buy Days Gone for PlayStation digitally on the PlayStation Store for $39.99 or you can get a Days Gone physical copy on Amazon starting at around $25 for a new copy.

Disclosure: Amazon works with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership, and TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from some links in this article.

What do you think about the fix for Days Gone data collection? Did this policy influence your decision to not purchase the game? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Days Gone
Game Page Days Gone
Bend Studio
PlayStation 4
Release Date
April 26, 2019 (Calendar)
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