Destiny 2 PC Is Free to Keep Until November 19th

Published: November 2, 2018 3:33 PM /



Today, Blizzard Entertainment has announced that Bungie's Destiny 2 PC release will be free for you to keep permanently on until November 19th. Those who have been playing Destiny 2 will receive an exclusive celebratory emblem this December via, and all players will be able to participate in a Gambit trial on the weekend of November 8-11 to try out Destiny 2: Forsaken's 4v4 hybrid PvPvE.

“We know Destiny players that want to play on PC expect an amazing experience, whether it’s on their own or with their friends -- so, our paramount concern was to keep the discerning requirements of the PC community in mind, and welcoming the and Bungie PC communities together. With this gift we look forward to seeing new Guardians in our universe.” - Steve Coon, game director for Destiny 2: Forsaken at Bungie
For those curious, to unlock Destiny 2 players will have to go to this link, sign in on, and claim your free game. Do note that you have to go through the gifts link there, as just going to the store won't show it as free. Those who make a new account and want to unlock the game must enable Blizzard SMS in order to claim the FPS title.

Quick Take:

This is really cool. As someone who has curious but never curious enough to buy Destiny 2, giving it out for players for free is a nice gesture. I don't know if I will end up playing it for longer than a few hours, but the fact remains that this will undoubtedly foster a lot of goodwill and a bigger community for the title. Maybe I'll even try out the expansions, but who knows. Maybe if we wait long enough we will get all the expansions, right? Just wait another year and we'll get the first expansion. Seems logical to me.

Have you already bought Destiny 2? What do you think of this news? Let us know in the comments!

A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick