Humble And Team Up For Humble Unity Game Development Bundle

Published: July 11, 2019 9:30 AM /


humble unity game development bundle

Have you ever dreamed of getting a job in the video game industry? Your time has come. The Humble Unity Game Development Bundle is now live, and it's offering tons of courses to help you get started in the business. As ever, there are three tiers of content, and you'll get more as you pay more.

$1 Tier

There are two courses in tier one of the Humble Unity Game Development Bundle. As you might imagine, "How To Get A Job In The Video Game Industry" is about flower arranging (not really). The course covers creating a resume, writing a cover letter, creating your LinkedIn profile, and plenty more. Tier 1 also contains the very helpful "Finish It! Motivation and Processes for Game & App Development" course. If you've ever struggled to stay motivated while you make games, this is the course for you.

More Than The Average Tier ($20.60 at the time of writing)

In the second tier, you'll find two more courses. "Blender Environment Artist" teaches you the basics of using Blender 2.8 and its Eevee rendering engine. You'll learn environment composition, lighting, texturing, and much more with this course. If you've ever found your eyes glazing over when you think about Git version control, there's also "Git Smart: Learn Git The Fun Way With Unity Games". You'll also get both tier 1 courses, so that's four courses for $20.60 (at the time of writing).

$25 Tier

Everything from tiers one and two are yours if you pay $25. You'll also get four more courses. "Complete C# Unity Developer 3D" will teach you how to create your first five Unity games for web, Mac, and PC. Its 2D cousin, "Complete C# Unity Developer 2D", will help you to create six 2D Unity games. "RPG Core Combat Creator" walks you through building an RPG in Unity, and "Unity 3D Game Kit - Make Games Without Coding" will take you from being a Unity newbie to creating your very first complete level.

There's a whole lot here for $25. If it weren't for the Humble Unity Game Development Bundle, you'd be paying around $1060 for these courses. If this is your chosen career, I think this is pretty invaluable stuff. Check out the bundle right now to get started. While you're there, don't forget to sign up for Humble Monthly. $12 nets you two Early Unlock games - Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Surviving Mars - plus more when the bundle unlocks on August 2nd.

Are you looking to get started in game development? Will you be checking out the Humble Unity Game Development Bundle? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph