Humble Square Enix Publisher Sale Now Live - Final Fantasy And More

Published: September 25, 2019 11:45 AM /


humble square enix publisher sale final fantasy xv

This week, the Humble Square Enix Publisher Sale is celebrating all things Square Enix. If you head over to the Humble Store, you'll find up to 90% slashed off classics from revered franchises like Final FantasyTomb Raider, and more. Here are some of the highlights of the sale!

Humble Square Enix Publisher Sale - JRPGs

It wouldn't be a Square Enix sale without JRPGs, now would it? Both Squaresoft and Enix are well-known for their RPG offerings, and you can get plenty of them in this week's sale. Final Fantasy XV (50% off) is a fascinating experiment for the franchise and a good place for newcomers to start. Chrono Trigger (50% off) needs no introduction; it's a stone-cold classic, and if you haven't played it then you need to. For something a little different, check out the tragic I Am Setsuna (30% off). There are plenty more JRPGs over at the store if these aren't tickling your fancy.

Humble Square Enix Publisher Sale - Action Gaming

"Action" might be a bit of a catch-all tag, but these Square Enix games have it in spades. Keep up with Lara Croft's journey into the unknown in Shadow of the Tomb Raider (67% off). Sleeping Dogs (85% off) is still a pleasant surprise after all these years, while Just Cause 3 (also 85% off) should more than suffice if you're after destructive antics. It's also worth revisiting the original Deus Ex (80% off), which is staggeringly cheap and still great.

Humble Square Enix Publisher Sale - Adventure/Visual Novel

Square Enix isn't necessarily known for its visual novels or adventure games, but the publisher has many tricks up its sleeve in this area. Life is Strange (80% off) is a curious and affecting tale. If you love it, then you should definitely check out Life is Strange 2 (33% off) and Life is Strange: Before the Storm (70% off). For a decidedly more anime-style adventure, give Tokyo Dark (40% off) a try. It may not be the greatest game in the world, but Murdered: Soul Suspect (80% off) is well worth it for this low an asking price.

These are just a few of the great offerings on the Humble Store this week. If you're a Square Enix fan, or you've yet to try any of these great games, you should definitely head over and see what you can dig up. While you're there, you can subscribe to Humble Monthly for copies of BattleTech and Sonic Mania!

Disclosure: Humble Bundle works with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership, and TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from links in this article.

What will you be picking up in the Humble Square Enix Publisher Sale? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph