Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact Guide

Last Update: December 19, 2020 2:42 PM /


ac valhalla artifact guide cent

Tired of being a viking tomb raider in Assassin's Creed Valhalla? Neither are we! Cent is one of the mid-level regions of the game, with a recommended power level of 130 and 13 artifacts to find and collect, so let's go!

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 1

ac valhalla cent artifact

At the edge of the Folcanstan port is your first artifact: a cosmetic scheme! These show up on the map as Flying Paper. There's some ship wreckage in the port where the paper is hovering around. Start the chase there and chase it through the wreckage and bracken. Don't worry, there's no swimming required, assuming you're good at parkour.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 2

ac valhalla cent artifact

Artifact number two is south of Dover Pharos, and yes, we know that sounds like it belongs in AC Origins instead. There's a small outpost building, between the main tower of Dover Pharos and the sea, which contains your artifact. The door is barred, so head on over to the opposite side of the building and shoot out the broken door that's in your way, then you can shoot the bar on the door. Head inside and grab a Roman Artifact! The Mystery in Dover Pharos is also within earshot and fairly easy to accomplish, so we recommend checking that off of your list at the same time.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 3

ac valhalla cent artifact

Artifact three is in Dover Pharos itself, and at this point if you're not solving the mystery there as well, you're just making more work for yourself. Climb to the top of the tower while minding the snakes and grab the Cent Treasure Hoard Map that's lying in plain sight. Then you can help the idiot who's stuck up there get down to the ground.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 4

ac valhalla cent artifact

There's a small island to the east of extended lookout and synchronization point in Cent. In fact, it's so small it's probably not technically an island, just an outcropping of rocks. Regardless, it's where you'll find the first curse you need to break for the region. It's refreshingly straightforward, once you actually get down to the island; we recommend diving off of the sync point as the fastest way. No tricks, just the talisman in plain sight, so shoot it with an arrow and you're done.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 5

ac valhalla

Northeast of Canterbury you'll find another curse break, one that is slightly more difficult to diffuse. This time you'll need to contend with things sparking and on fire, and breakable jars. Grab the jar from on top of its current pedestal, climb the nearby broken tree and throw the jar at the source of the curse. Try to avoid doing that while things are on fire and sparking, and try to avoid lighting yourself on fire at the same time.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 6

ac valhalla cent artifact

South of raid location Tonbridge Monastery, you'll find another curse you need to break. This time the talisman is located in the middle of the tree at the center of the curse. Climb from one of the posts with the skulls on it to the tree limb to get high enough to be able to shoot out the talisman and end the curse. Do NOT eat the mushrooms that are around the tree. You will lose health and/or die. In a game where you have crazy berserkers coming at you with spears and flaming arrows, that's a dumb way to go.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 7

ac valhalla cent artifact

In the southern part of Canterbury you'll find the next piece of the Rigsogur Saga. It's located inside the Canterbury Seminary, which pops up with a location notice on the screen once you're in the right area. Go inside the monastery and climb to the second floor or sneak in through a broken window on the roof if you like. There's also a treasure chest for you to grab while you're up there.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 8

ac valhalla cent artifact

In the middle of Canterbury next to flyting you'll find a new cosmetic scheme. The flying paper is located on top of a pole for you to start your chase across the rooftops.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 9

ac valhalla cent artifact

Still in Canterbury, make your way to the Dorobernia Theater. There's a Roman Artifact waiting for you, but this one is a bit tricky to get to. Using Odin Sight, you can see that it's behind a closed gate. Hop on top of the roof above the gate and grab one of the flammable jars there, and then head over to the entrance area where you'll need to use the jar on a breakable piece of floor. After that, hop down and go through the one door that's open underground. From there, use your bow to destroy the breakable pots that are in the way and slide over to the other room to grab the artifact.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 10

ac valhalla cent artifact

To the Northwest area in Canterbury we head for another Cosmetic Scheme. This flying paper can be found starting in the middle of a rope you have to slide across and the chase will lead you around the Dorobernia Theater. It starts near to St. Martin's Church.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 11

ac valhalla cent artifact

Northwest of St. Hadrian's Priory you'll find some Roman ruins containing another Roman Artifact. This one isn't too hard to get to, but you'll need to remove the rocks laying on top of it first.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 12

ac valhalla cent artifact

In the northeast area of the Lolingestone Bandit camp is a Roman Artifact. First, obviously watch out for bandits. It's in the ruins of a large building though, and it's fairly easy to avoid them. Use Odin Sight to pinpoint the exact location.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cent Artifact 13

ac valhalla cent artifact

North of the Rouecistre Blockade and to the northeast of Hadrian's Priory is your last artifact and curse break for the region. There's two bears in the area that you'll need to take care of first, and then you'll need to climb a tree to jump onto the series of ropes criss-crossing around your target. The ropes gradually lead upwards, so hop along until you're at a high enough elevation to shoot the cursed talisman and free the land of the blighted curse. 

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| Former Staff Writer

Courtney Ehrenholfer is an aspiring novelist and screenwriter, and current journalist who greatly enjoys video games, especially those of the point and… More about Courtney

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Ubisoft Montreal
Release Date
November 17, 2020 (Calendar)
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