Ace Attorney 6 Details New Gameplay System

Published: April 21, 2016 11:20 AM /


Ace Attorney 6

This week, Capcom has unveiled new gameplay information for Gyakuten Saiban 6 (otherwise known as Ace Attorney 6).

Sourced from Gematsu, the new gameplay system comes part of the investigation procedure for Ace Attorneys court trials. Entitled the "Multi-Angle Video Identification", players will be shown two videos of a particular crime scene, both differing in alternate perspectives. With this new system, players can pause, fast-forward, and rewind to point out any inconsistencies found within the footage.


As you can see in the image (below), these alternative angles are able to provide players additional background information not seen through one particular view. From there, it seems like it's only a matter of pausing a key shot, and pointing out the obvious contradiction.


While the details of the plot are not explicit, Ace Attorney 6 is said to take place in a mysterious foreign country. After visiting this country (reason unknown at this point), Phoenix eventually finds himself caught up in a murder investigation, and from there, decides to defend the accused within their very own courts.

Within this country, supernatural beliefs and spirits are strong, so much so that it even plays a part in their legal systems. With the use of a bizarre item known as the "Water Mirror", this object can recall events related to case in order to decide a verdict. With this object, players must note down key words and images presented on the screen, and provide substantial evidence in presenting a contradiction.  

Ace Attorney 6 is said to feature once again, Dual Destinies Athena Cykes and Apollo Justice. Ace Attorney 6 also marks the return of Maya Fey, Pheonix Wrights trusty companion from the first three Ace Attorney titles. 

The Japanese version is slated for a Nintendo 3DS release, June 9th. No news yet in regards to a western localization, though Capcom has previously confirmed that it is in development.

What are your thoughts on this new gameplay mode? Does this sound like something innovative for the series? Let us know in the comments below!

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Super famous games journalist currently based in Melbourne, Australia. When not writing for TechRaptor, Jason is also covering material for Digital Fox.… More about Jason

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Learn More About Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice
Nintendo 3DS
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September 8, 2016 (Calendar)
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