Get One Last Trip to the Summer Beach in Overcooked 2's Surf 'n Turf DLC

Published: October 3, 2018 9:58 PM /


overcooked 2 surf n turf preview

Having been out for less than two months at this point Team17 and Ghost Town Games are bringing even more levels, chefs, and challenged to players in Overcooked 2 Surf 'N' Turf DLC. Not only is this DLC being announced but it is also now available to purchase and play today. The launch trailer shows off the kinds of foods fans can expect to be cooking, new items to be ready for, and hazards to watch out for.

Taking the chefs to a more tropical location this DLC will give teams 12 new story kitchens they need to master, this could be a scenic restaurant on the beach to a level in the middle of a pool, just be sure to make the right kind of 'big splash'. Each of these new kitchens brings with it new ingredients and recipes. Some of the new recipes include refreshing fruit smoothies and kebabs filled with meats and vegetables. New mechanics have been added in the form of the bellows, allowing you to cook your meat faster with the risk of burning, as well as the pistol for cleaning plates or when you need to put out a fire ASAP!

overcooked 2 new chefs
Polly wants to cook up more than just a cracker

For some good island cooking though you've got to make sure you have locals and veteran chefs alike. Three additional chefs that will be included in this DLC are the Island Chef, a female chef wearing tribal symbols, Parror Chef, literally just a parrot, and veteran chef Boof will be returning remembering to bring his shades for the island sun.

Overcooked 2's Surf 'N' Turf DLC is available now across all platforms for the price of £4.49/€4.99/$5.99.

What do you think of the new mechanics being added to the Surf 'N' Turf DLC? What do you think you'd like to see added to this cooking party game?

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Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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Game Page Overcooked 2
Ghost Town Games
Release Date
August 7, 2018 (Calendar)