Going Medieval Devs Reveal Day-Night Cycle Overhaul And More For Next Update

The next major update for Going Medieval will overhaul the day-night cycle and add new effects, plus lots more.

Published: May 8, 2023 9:58 AM /


A colony bathed in sunlight in Going Medieval

Foxy Voxel has shared more information regarding the upcoming Going Medieval update 9. Specifically, a new dev diary discusses the way in which the game's day-night cycle is being overhauled, resulting in a more realistic (although not too realistic) system that should give you more pause for thought in strategic terms.

This news comes via today's Medieval Monday talk, which makes reference to last week's discussion about how the temperature system will change in update 9. The new day-night system is related to those temperature changes; when there's more sunlight, heat will be more readily available, but if it gets darker earlier, then your settlers and their colony will be colder for longer.

In that spirit, when the new system lands, the sun will rise at around 4AM and set at about 9PM during summertime, while in winter, you'll see the sun rise at about 8AM and set at about 3PM. This, according to Foxy Voxel, also means that you'll need to take the angle of the sun into account; plants that were getting enough sunlight in summer might struggle during winter, for instance.

The new diffuse sunlight system warming some plants in Going Medieval
Going Medieval will have a new diffuse sunlight system in the upcoming update 9.

As well as these changes, a new diffuse sunlight effect is also being introduced in Going Medieval update 9. This will allow you to place plants near windows and take advantage of sunlight to grow crops indoors. As long as sunlight can reach the plant and the temperature isn't too low, then it should grow, no matter where it happens to be.

To offset these changes, Foxy Voxel says there will now be a chance that plants will become "stunted" when they've finished growing. A stunted plant is smaller and will give you less yield, and the chances of plants being stunted increase with a lack of sunlight. If you're growing a tree, proximity to other trees will increase that tree's chances of becoming stunted as well.

Lots more exciting info regarding Going Medieval update 9 is on the way soon, so stay tuned for that. Going Medieval is available right now on Steam, where it's currently in Early Access, and we've got some guides to help you through the tough early stages of starting a colony.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Foxy Voxel
Release Date
June 1, 2021 (Calendar)
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