Half-Life 2 Mod Mirrors The Entire Game

A new Half-Life 2 mod has been released that allows you to play the entire game mirrored, and it's a real trip.

Published: September 12, 2022 9:29 AM /


Gordon Freeman standing and looking at a bridge while holding a crossbow in the Half-Life 2 mod that mirrors the game

A new Half-Life 2 mod has been released, and unlike many other mods, this one isn't adding any huge new content or overhauling mechanics. Instead, it just mirrors the entire game, so everything that would have been on your left is now on your right. You can download it right now.

What is this new Half-Life 2 mod all about?

The Half-Life 2 modding scene is thriving right now. Valve's seminal shooter might be eighteen (!) years old, but that isn't stopping modders from coming up with some amazing mods for it, including one that adds VR support and another that totally overhauls the shooting. Now, there's a new Half-Life 2 mod on the scene, and it's a slightly uncanny one.

Over on ModDB, user NvC_DmN_CH has created Half-Life 2 Mirrored, a mod that (you guessed it) mirrors the entire game. That means everything you would previously have seen on your left while you're sprinting through City 17 is now on your right. It might not sound like a big change, but it's profoundly disconcerting.

Gordon Freeman shooting a Strider amongst the ruins of a bombed-out City 17 in the Half-Life 2 mod that mirrors the game
Have you ever wanted to play through a Half-Life 2 mod that makes the entire game back-to-front? Well, now you can.

Even looking at screenshots for Half-Life 2 Mirrored is unsettling. If you know Half-Life 2 like the back of your hand and you've played it through as many times as I have, looking at these screenshots feels subtly wrong, like all of your furniture has been replaced by replicas.

Thankfully, the controls haven't been flipped, so it's still possible to play Half-Life 2 Mirrored without overwhelming yourself with motion sickness. If you've played Half-Life 2 to death, this might be a great way to reinvigorate the game for you. Time to dust it off and give it another playthrough, perhaps? Shame you're too late for the record-breaking Lambda Generation Breaking the Bar event, but hey, any excuse to play through Half-Life 2 again is a good one, right?

Thanks, PCGamesN.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Release Date
November 16, 2004 (Calendar)
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