Halo MCC Custom Game Browser Now Available on PC For Limited time

The Custom Game Browser for Halo: Reach is in open testing on PC right now for a limited time, giving everyone the opportunity to try out this feature.

Published: April 29, 2021 3:24 PM /


Halo MCC Custom Game Browser Halo Reach cover

Good news for fans of shooters — the Halo MCC Custom Game Browser is now in testing. Gamers now have the chance to play Halo: Reach custom games while 343 Industries runs some stress tests.

Halo: The Master Chief Collection is a compilation of nearly every single Halo game released to date; gamers can snap up a bunch of classic shooters in one convenient package and at a pretty great price. There are a lot of improvements to the original games, but some modern features are still missing for some of the games. One such example is the ability to use dedicated servers and custom games — and that's all changing today.

"[...] a scale test will be underway for Custom Game Browser (CGB) in MCC for Halo: Reach," read a Steam Community news post about this new feature. "Players will have the opportunity to go into the Multiplayer menus and select the CGB option to Create or Join on custom games running entirely on dedicated servers! We are very excited about this stress test and want everyone an opportunity to get in on the action and help us make sure it’s running smoothly."

Halo MCC Custom Game Browser Halo Reach slice

When is the Halo MCC Custom Game Browser Test?

The Halo MCC Custom Game Browser test has already begun! You can play custom games in Halo: Reach on PC from April 29–May 3, 2021.

A bigger question, however, is when the Custom Game Browser for Halo: Reach and other titles will actually launch. This is a stress test that will allow 343 Industries to collect data on what it will need to properly set up this feature for long-term use, so we could be waiting for quite some time.

"Once the scale test is completed, CGB will be taken offline Monday morning, and we will begin evaluating how our systems handled the scale test," the Steam Community news post continued. "Based on these findings we will determine what (if any) additional work is needed to turn this feature on permanently. We cannot wait [for] everyone to try it out, so make sure to pop in game now!"

For now, you can check out the Halo MCC Custom Game Browser in Halo: Reach on Steam right now! Of course, you'll need the game to play it — you can buy Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Steam for $39.99 or your regional equivalent.

Are you looking forward to custom games in Halo: Reach and the other Halo shooters? What's your favorite custom game from back in the day? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Halo: The Master Chief Collection
343 Industries
Xbox Game Studios
Xbox One, PC
Release Date
November 11, 2011 (Calendar)
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