InnerSpace Releasing this Summer, Console Release With Aspyr Media

Published: March 19, 2017 4:45 PM /


InnerSpace (2)

PolyKnight Games have announced that their space exploration game InnerSpace will also be released on PC, as well as Mac, Linux, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One during the summer. This news comes from an update on the InnerSpace Kickstarter page, with additional details to be found on the official PlayStation Blog and Microsoft Wire.

PolyKnight Games have teamed up with publisher Aspyr Media, allowing them to dramatically increase the size and scope of the game.

During our early conversations, we learned that they love InnerSpace for the same reasons all of you do— and they wanted more of it: more worlds to explore, more bosses to fight, and more polish across the board. In short, they wanted to see the idea executed at its fullest, and more importantly, they wanted to help us do just that.
The update states that PolyKnight Games retain complete creative control of InnerSpace's direction, with Aspyr Media providing the resources to make the best version of the game possible. This means that InnerSpace will "be twice the game that was originally pitched", which translates to more planets, encounters, and mechanics being added to the game.

Aspyr Media talks about how they discovered InnerSpace during this year's PAX South, saying that the game's striking visuals and soundtrack managed to convince Aspyr to support this game.


We, Aspyr Media, descended on PAX South to get our hands on every single unique game we could find. We came to InnerSpace. A crazy little plane was flying around and somehow diving underwater. The art was ethereal. The music was otherworldly. We didn’t know quite what we were seeing. We just knew this was a world we wanted to explore.
InnerSpace is mostly centered around exploring the authored universe. Players will be able to travel to alien worlds, each with their own ecosystem, animals, and locations for you to find. Planets are protected by so-called demigods that don't take too kindly to invading explorers, and every planet has something worth seeing or collecting.
From the relics you find and collect, to the imposing and strange demigods that oversee their worlds, everything is presented in a way to make you ask and, hopefully, want to answer: InnerSpace is your story; we just provide the framework.
And what a beautiful framework it is:

[gallery type="slideshow" ids="137259,137260,137261,137262,137263,137264,137265"]

PolyKnight Games have also released a small part of the game's soundtrack (there's more on their SoundCloud), which is pretty much as atmospheric as the game's art style and feel.


You'll be able to fly, dive, and scavenge your way through InnerSpace's solar system at some point this summer for PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Linux. If you want to learn more about this game, we interviewed the team back when the project was on Kickstarter here.

What do you think about InnerSpace? Let us know in the comments!

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Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About InnerSpace
Game Page InnerSpace
Polyknight Games
Release Date
January 16, 2018 (Calendar)
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